The Navagrahas are nine important dieties
of the Hindu religious tradition. They are Surya, Chandra, Angaraka, Budha,
Guru, Sukra, Sani, Rahu and Ketu. They stand for nine planets, the English
equivalents of the first seven being, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn. The last two, Rahu and Ketu are planet-like entities,
unique to the Hindu tradition.
The nine Navagraha dieties
are to be be found in a small, special, square enclosure in every temple.
No visit to a temple is complete without the devotee offering worship at
this enclosure. And a copper plate with the Navagrahas inscribed on them,
as illustrated above, is often to be found in
Ancient Indian seers had an extensive knowledge of Astronomy derived from observation, analysis and profound insight. They observed also that planetary movements and human affairs presented remarkable coincidences and concurrences within repetitive cyclic patterns that made them predictable. Thus they codified their composite knowledge of Astronomy and Astrology into a single science called Jyotisha. And this work became sufficiently significant to human affairs that it was invested with the status of a Vedanga, a limb of the Vedas. The Navagrahas have lived in lived in the minds of millions in India over the millenia. They have been celebrated and worshipped in sloka and stotra, in sculpture and music. Muthuswamy Dikshitar, one of the great Trinity of Carnatic music, dedicated nine of his delectable compositions to the Navagrahas. These compositions are reproduced below the nine drawings to emphasise the Indian view that name and form, colour and sound, are but manifestations of the Divine. |
s:Üy:üm:Üt:ðü n:m:<st:Øt:ð s:ØndrCay:aeD:p:t:ð An:Øp:ll:ev: kay:ükarN:at:m:k j:g:t:Î)kaS: es:öhraSy:aeD:p:t:ð Aay:üev:n:Øt: t:ðj:sPÝt:ðü Aar<gy:aed Pl:dkit:ðü c:rN:ö
Oh Lord of the Sun ! Consort
of the beauteous Chaya ! Salutations to you !.
Oh Iluminator of this universe bound by cause and effect, Lord of the Simha Tasi, Effulgent and adored by the noble men, Bestower of gifts like health ! Oh Lord of the Sun! Friend of the lotus and splendour of light of a thousand rays; and the father of Karna ! The fire that destroys sin; self-luminous, saluted by scholars; anf favourite of Guruguha; O Lord of the day; chief of the planets like the moon; worshipped by the brave; the witness of all activity; rider of the divine chariot drawn by seven horses; soul of the Saurashtra Mantra, of golden complexion; and Who is identical with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, Oh Bestower of devotion and salvation !. |
c:ndÓö B:j: m:an:s: s:aD:ØÆdy: s:dáS:ö An:Øp:ll:ev:
Oh mind! Let us sing in praise of the Moon, the very heart of the pious. Who is worshipped by Indra and other rulers of the worlds; the spouse of Tara; who has sixteen Kalas (phases); the creator of night, the brother of Indira, the producer of the Nectar; let us constantly sing his praise. He who is the ornament of the Lord Siva's crest; possessed of cool rays; who has four arms and Cupid for his parasol; the creator of night; the very eyes of Venkatesa; born of the mind of Virat, known as Vidhu; friend of the water lily; with the face of Brahma and Guruguha; with the figure of a hare; who receives both the curses and blessings of Brhaspati; who has a white body shining like the rays of the autumn moon; who wears a wristlet, armlet, garland and a crown; who is hostile to the lotus; and who is the darling of Rohini. |
A¤arkm:aÂy:amy:hö ev:n:t:aeÂt:j:n:m:ndarö m:ög:Lv:arö B:Üem:kÙm:arö v:arö v:arö An:Øp:ll:ev: S:à¤ark m:ð\: v:à¡Ák raSy:aeD:p:et:ö rVt:a¤ö rVt:amb:raedD:rö S:¡Vt:S:Ül:D:rö m:¤Lö kmb:Øg:Lö m:Wj:ØLt:r p:dy:Øg:Lö m:¤Lday:k m:ð\:t:Ør¤ö m:kr<:ؤö c:rN:ö
I take refuge in Angaraka, who is like the
divine Mandara tree to his humble devotees; who is the presiding
deity of Tuesday, and the son of earth.
b:ØD:m:aÂy:aem: s:t:t:ö s:Ørev:n:Øt:ö c:ndÓt:aras:Øt:ö An:Øp:ll:ev:
Constantly do I seek shelter
in Budha whom the celestials worship, who is the son of Chandra
and Tara.
Who is bright saffron in colour,
whose form gives delight to Guruguha; who is the enemy of Kuja (Mars);
who wears a gem-studded crown, necklace, armlets and bracelets; who is
the Lord of the Zodiac signs of Mithuna and Kanya
(Gemini and Virgo); who carries a book in his hand; who is of the neuter
gender; who is honoured by all who wait in him; who is devoid
of all sins; benefits the devotees
of Siva, and is ever joyous.
b:àhsp:t:ð t:arap:t:ð b:ÒÉj:at:ð n:m:<st:Øt:ð An:Øp:ll:ev: m:hab:l:ev:B:< g:i\p:t:ð m:Wj:ØD:n:aòm:iün:aeD:p:t:ð m:hðndÓa½Øp:aes:t:akát:ð m:aD:v:aedev:n:Øt: D:im:t:ð c:rN:ö s:Ørac:ay:üv:y:ü v:$D:r S:ØB:l:x:N:j:g::y:g:Ør< j:raedv:ej:üt:a#<D: kc:j:n:kaeÂt:j:n:klp:t:r< p:Øraer g:Ø,g:Øh s:mm:<ed p:Ø*:kark din:b:nD:< p:raed c:tv:aer v:akÏsv:-p:)kaS:k dy:aes:nD:< en:ram:y:ay: n:iet:kþ*:ð en:rökÙS:ay: ev:ÃB:þ*:ð en:rWj:n:ay: B:Øv:n:B:<V*:ðen:röS:ay: m:K:)da*:ð |
Oh Brhaspati! Lord of Tara! the one born of Brahma, I salute you . Oh Omnipresent one! Lord of great strength, Lord of speech; who rules the Zodic signs of Dhanus and Meena (Capricorn and Pisces); whose form is adored by Indra; who is acclaimed for his great intellect by Vishnu and others. Who is the great preceptor of the celestials, wielder of the thunder- bolt, Vajrayudha; of form auspicious; the preceeptor of the three worlds; who is free from old age and anger; the father of Kaca; who is a Kalpataru for those who come to him for refuge; who are the delight of Lord Siva and Guruguha; who grants progeny; the friend of the hapless; the manifestation of the four levels of speech like Para and others; who is an ocean of compassion; devoid of all illness, the author of the Smrti; who cannot be restrained by anyone; who is the Lord of the universe, the blemish-less one who delights the worlds, the one who bestows the fruits of sacrifice. |
Âi S:Ø# B:g:v:nt:ö ec:nt:y:aem: s:nt:t:ö s:kl:t:tv:W:ö An:Øp:ll:ev:
Constantly do I meditate on Lord Sukra (Venus),
who has complete knowledge of all truth.
Oh Lord Sukra Bhagavan! protect me soon;
You who are the Lord of Rishaba and Tula, (the Zodiacal signs of Taurus
and Libra); who gives good counsel to the Asuras (demons); whose
one eye was safeguarded by the grace of Kesava; who wears a crown
and whose body is white.
edv:akrt:n:Øj:ö S:n:òsv:rö D:irt:rö s:nt:t:ö ec:nt:y:ðhö An:Øp:ll:ev: B:v:amb:Øen:D:aò en:m:gn:j:n:an:aö B:y:¢rö Aet:#ÝrPl:dö B:v:an:iS:kXax: p:a*:B:Üt: B:¡Vt:m:t:aö Aet:S:y:S:ØB: Pl:dö c:rN:ö kal:aWj:n: ka¡nt:y:ØVt:dðhö kal:s:h<drö kakv:ahö n:il:aöS:Økp:Ø\p:m:al:av:àt:ö n:il:rtn:B:Ü\:N:al:ökát:ö m:ael:n:i ev:n:Øt: g:Ø,g:Øh m:Øedt:ö m:kr kÙmB:raeS: n:aT:ö et:l:- t:òl:em:eÂt:aÀ dip:e)y:ö dy:as:ØD:as:ag:rö en:B:üy:ö kal:dNR p:erep:eRt: j:an:Øö kaem:t:aT:ü Pl:d kam:D:ðn:Øö kal:c:#B:ðd ec:t:rB:an:Øö k¡lp:t: Cay:adðv:i s:Øn:Øö |
Constantly do I meditate
upon the slow-moving Sani, the son of Sun (Surya), the one of great
Who causes fear in people immersed plunged
in the ocean of worldly life; who is the harbinger of the bad effects
in one's life; who grants unique and auspicious rewards for devotees favoured
by Paramasiva's benevolent glances.
sm:ramy:hö s:darahØö s:Üy:üc:ndÓv:ixy:ö ev:kát:dðhö An:Øp:ll:ev:
Always do I meditate on Rahu, who remains within
the watchful gaze of the Sun and the Moon; who is possessed of a
deformed body.
Who bears a character of both a celestial and
a demon; who cures diseases and removes the fear of snakes from the minds
of devotees; who is comfortably seated on the Surpasana and bears a trident
in his hand.
Who has a frightful, fierce face and a harsh mind; who is pleased with those who chant the Kayanarna hymn; who wears armour, and sports a sword, and other weapons in his four hands; who wears blue silk and wears ornaments studded with the Gomedaka (cat's eye); who is the friend of Sani-Saturn and Sukra-Venus and who gives Guruguha happiness.. |
m:has:Ørö kñt:Øm:hö B:j:aem: Cay:ag:Òhv:rö An:Øp:ll:ev:
I offer my obeisance to the mighty demon
Ketu, the foremost of the Chayagraha, or shadowy planets.
Who is adorned with an extraordinary crown and auspicious silk garments; who is comfortably seated on a human being and is positioned amidst the nine planets. Who is extolled in the Ketum Krnvan hymn; who
is born in the Jaimini clan; who revels in anger; who enjoys offerings
of horse gram (Kuluttha); who has a triangular flag; and bears the fly
wisk (Chamara) belonging to Guruguha; who is an ornament for those
who have transcended the Guna Dosha, or the hold of good and bad;
who brings about the eclipse,