SECTION - 45 -

VERSION 421 TO 430
âçõ¨áèéõêР  Êéúîæèìùª     Friendship  of   the   Wise

í÷ä÷¨åÐÊ   ßêÐê   í÷¨²éìáèõР  îæúªéë   441
ê¨÷ä÷¨åÐÊ   îêõÐåÐÊ   âæèóùª
í÷䪠                  righteousness
í÷¨åÐÊ                 having known
ßêÐê                     ripe
í÷¨²éìáèõР      wise people
îæúªéë               association
ê¨÷䪠                   the way of seeking
í÷¨åÐÊ                 having known
îêõÐåÐÊ                  after finding
âæèóùª                should be sought
Those   who   value   wisdom   should   seek   the   friendship   of   those who   have   virtue   and   mature  knowledge    (441).          
ã÷ª÷îåè᪠  å©æÐ樠  ã÷èíéë   Ë÷ªæèæÐÆ몠 442
âç÷ª÷¨áèõÐ窠  îçú¨æР  âæèóùª
ã÷ª÷                        what has come
îåè᪠                     suffering
å©æÐ樠                       having removed
ã÷èíéë                in the manner that suffering will not visit in future
ËäªæèæÐÆ몠            capable of preventing
âç÷ª÷¨áèõР              the good
îçú¨æÐâæèóùª        with respect, keep as companions
One   should   understand   and   overcome   present   ills   and   guard   against   future
ills.     (442). 
íõ¨áô÷ª×   âóùªùè몠  íõ¨îê   âçõ¨áèéõ窠  443
îçú¨êР  êëõèæР  âæèóùª
íõ¨áô÷ª×óª          among things of value
öùªùè몠               all
íõ¨îê                   rare is
âçõ¨áèéõ             of the wise
îçú¨                    revering and
êëõèæÐâæèóùª       keeping company
Winning   the   goodwill   and   friendship   of   the   wise   is   the   highest
among   things   of   value   (443).    
êëªë¨÷ª   âçõ¨áèõР  êëõè   øÇÆêùª    444
ôäªéë±   âóùªùèåР  êéù
êëªë¨äª             than oneself
âçõ¨áèõР          wise
êëõè                having as one's companion
øÇÆêùª           living on the path shown by him
ôäªéë±óª       of strengths
öùªùè몠           all
êéù                 the highest
The   greatest   strength   comes   from   following   those   wiser than   oneself   (444).    
ÎȪôèõР  æúªúèæ   øÇæùè䪠  ëäªäô䪠   445
ÎȪôèéõòР  ÎȪåÐÊ   âæèóùª
ÎȪôèõР          those who analyse
æúªúèæ          treat them as (their) eyes
øÇæùè䪠       since the people
ëäªäô䪠        the king
ÎȪôèéõ        only the wise
ÎȪåÐÊ             having located
âæèóùª           should choose (as his advisers)
The   advisers   of   the   king   are   like   his   eyes   and   should be   chosen   with   care   (445).    
êæÐæè   õ¨äêÐêäèáªêР  êèâäèÇæ   ôùªùèéäòР  446
âò÷ª÷èõР  âòáæÐæ¨ìåÐê   ê¨ùª
êæÐæèõР                      of the fit ones
¬äêÐêäè᪠             having companionship
êè䪠   øÇæ              if one lives
ôùªùèéä               even a mighty one
âò÷ª÷èõР                  enemies
âòáæР   æ¨ìåÐêÊ       harm that could be caused
¬ùª                          is not there
One   who   has   the   support   of   the   wise   and   understands   and   acts
in   the   light   of   their   wisdom,   will   be   untouched   by   the harm   of   enemies   (446).    
¬ïæÐÆåР  Êéúáèéõ   Íóªôèéõ   áèîõ    447
âæÌæÐÆåР  êéæéë   áôõÐ
¬ïæÐÆ몠            caution sternly
Êéúáèéõ        of the nature
Íóªôèéõ           advisers
áèîõ                  who is there ?
âæÌæÐÆ몠           capable of destroying
êéæéëáôõР      enemies
Who   can   harm   the   king   who   has   advisers   who   can   sternly warn   him   against   his   faults   ?   (447)    
¬ïçªçèéõ   ¬ùªùèê   Öëõè   ëäªä䪠     448
âæÌçªçè   õ¨ùèħª   âæÌëª
¬ïçªçèéõ       bold counsellors
¬ùªùèê            without
Öëõè                one who has no protection
ëäªä䪠            the king
âæÌçªçèõР       those who destroy
¬ùèÄ몠         even in their absence
âæÌ몠             will be ruined
The   king   who   does   not   have   counsellors   bold   enough   to   caution
him,   will   get   ruined,   even   if   he   has   no   enemies   (448).    
Ëêù¨ùèõÐæÐÆ   Ãê¨á몠  ¬ùªéù   ëêéùá袪   449
òèõÐç¨ùèõÐæÐÆ   ¬ùªéù   å¨éù
Ëêùª    ¬ùèõÐæÐÆ       for (the businessman) who has no capital
Ãê¨á몠   ¬ùªéù       no gainful income
ëêéùáè몠               having the capacity to forbear
òèõÐç¨ùèõÐæÐÆ             having no such support
¬ùªéù                     there does not exist
å¨éù                         a stable (life)
Just   as   there   is   no   income   when   nothing   is   invested,   there   will
be   no   strengths,   when   one   has   no   good   advisers   (449).
çùªùèõР  çéæâæèóù¨÷ª   çêÐêÌêÐê   ê©éëêÐîê   450
åùªùèõР  âêèìõÐéæ   ô¨ìùª
çùªùèõР                 with many
çéæâæèóù¨äª       even though there is enmity
çêÐÊ                       ten
íÌêÐê                    fold
ê©éëêÐîê                will be more evil
åùªùèõР                  the wise
âêèìõР                  companionship
éæ   ô¨ìùª             ignoring
Discarding   the   support   of   the   wise   will   bring   ten   times more   enmity   (450).