SECTION - 47 -

VERSION 461 TO 470
âêõ¨åÐÊ   âòáùªôéæ     Acting  after   due   Consideration
íȨô­ã몠  Íô­ã몠  Í樠  ôȨçáæÐÆ몠  461
Ãê¨áË몠  ÎȪåÐÊ   âòáùª
íȨô­    ã몠       damage during an action
Íô­ã몠             gain during an action
Í樠                      considering
ôȨ   çáæÐÆ몠      the result of either
Ãê¨áË몠             value
ÎȪåÐÊ                   after analysing
âòáùª                   should engage in activity
All   actions   should   consider   likely   loss,   gain   or  accruing   value   (461).    
âêõ¨åÐê   ¬äêÐîêèÌ   îêõÐåÐâêúªú¨òР  âòáªôèõÐæÐÆ  462
íÕëªâçèÕóª   áèâêèäª×몠  ¬ùª
âêõ¨åÐê    ¬äêÐîêèÌ       good advice from correct quarters
îêõÐåÐÊ                            having consulted
öúªú¨                            having considered
âòáªôèõÐæÐÆ                    those who engage in actin
íÕëªâçèÕóª                 the impossible
áèÊ    øäª×몠                anything
¬ùª                                not there
Nothing   is   beyond   the   reach   of   one   who   gives   careful consideration   and   gets   good   advice   (462).  
ÍæÐæ몠  æÕꨠ  Ëêù¨ÈæÐÆ몠  âòáªô¨éä    463
ÃæÐæèõР  í÷¨²éì   áèõÐ
ÍæÐæ몠                     consequential gain
æÕꨠ                        considering
Ëêùª    ¬ÈæÐÆ몠      losing what one has in hand
âòáªô¨éä                activity
ÃæÐæèõР                    will not embark upon
í÷¨²éìáèõР          the wise
The   Wise   will   not   pursue   possible   future   gain   without  first consolidating   what   one   already   has   (463).    
âêó¨ô¨   ùêéäêР  âêè짪æèõР  ¬ó¨âôäªÄ몠   464
ÖêçªçèÌ   í¢ªà   çôõÐ
âê󨲠              clarity
¬ùêéä           which does not bear after analysis
âêè짪æèõР      will not commence
¬ó¨²               discomfiture
öäªÄ몠            the one called
ÖêçªçèÌ           the error of
í¢ªàçôõР        those who fear
They   who   fear   disgrace   will   not   venture   on   any   task  calling   for   careful   reflection   (and   good   advice)   (464).    
ôéæá÷òР  ÎÈè   âêÇêùª   çéæôéõ窠   465
çèêÐê¨çª   çÌçªçîêè   õè×
ôéæá÷          all means of achieving an objective
ÎÈèÊ            without analysing
öÇêùª           engaging in activity
çéæôéõ       the adversaries
çèêÐꨠ            the place of their development
çÌçªçÊ         stationing them
ØõР  Í×        is one of the ways
Embarking   on   a   task   without   considering   all   aspects   of   it, is   like   letting   the   enemy   occupy   your   land   (465).         ?????    
âòáªêæÐæ   íùªù   âòáæÐâæÌ몠  âòáªêæÐæ    466
âòáªáèéë   áèÄ몠  âæÌëª
âòáªêæÐæ                       those fit to be done
íùªù                           not
âòá                             by doing
âæÌ몠                         damage will result
âòáªêæÐæ                       those fit to be done
âòáªáèéëáèÄ몠      by omitting to do
âæÌ몠                         damage will result
He   who   does   not   do   what   he   should   or   does   what he   should   not,   invites   ruin   (466).  
öúªú¨êР  Êú¨æ   æÕë몠  Êú¨åÐêç¨äª     467
öúªÑô몠  öäªçÊ   ¬ÇæÐÆ
öúªú¨              having comprehensively considered
Êú¨æ                set about
æÕë몠             activity
Êú¨åÐêç¨äª       having embarked (in activity)
öúªÑô몠      reflecting
öäªçÊ             that state
¬ÇæÐÆ            is a defect
Reflect   well   before   starting   on   a   task;   starting   now   and reflecting   later   will   bring   disgrace   (467).    
Í÷ª÷¨äª   ôÕåÐêè   ôÕêÐê몠  çùõÐå¨äª×   468
îçè÷ª÷¨Ä몠  âçèêÐÊ窠  çÌëª
Í÷ª÷¨äª                      on the path of completion
ôÕåÐêè    ôÕêÐê몠      effort not taken forachieving the goal
çùõР   å¨äª×               with the help of many
îçè÷ª÷¨Ä몠               even if aided
âçèêÐÊçªçÌ몠           will be full of loopholes
A   task   undertaken   without   planning   will   fail   even   when  there   is   support   from   many   (468).           ???    
åäª÷è÷ª÷   ÙóªÓåР  êô×úªÌ   íôõôõР   469
çúªç÷¨åР  êè÷ª÷èæР  æéì
åäª×    Í÷ª÷ùª   ãóªÓ몠      even in doing good
êô×   ãúªÌ                        there may arise blemish
íôõôõР                               in each one's
çúªµ    í÷¨åÐÊ                     knowing the background
Í÷ª÷èæÐæéì                        if action is not undertaken
Doing   anything   must   take   into   account   the   capacities   of  others   involved;   else   it   will   end   in   failure   even   if   good   is  intended   (469).    
öóªóèê   öúªú¨òР  âòáùªîôúªÌ몠  êëªâëèÌ   470
âæèóªóèê   âæèóªóèÊ   ãùÆ
öóªóèê                       those (acts) which are not derided by (the world)
öúªú¨                        having considered
âòáùª    îôúªÌ몠      one should embark in activity
êëªâëèÌ                    for one
âæèóªóèê                  not compatible with oneself
âæèóªóèÊ                  will not accept
ãùÆ                           world (the people)
Tasks   must   be   accomplished   in   acceptable   ways.   Unacceptable ways   will   only   get   public   disapproval   (470).