VERSES 591 TO 560
ÃæÐæËéìéë     Enthusiasm

ãéìáõÐ öäçªçÌôÊ ÃæÐæëª íþê¨ùªùèõР 591
ãéìáÊ ãéìáîõè ë÷ª×

ãéìáõР        (they are) strong
öäçªçÌôÊ   said to be
ÃæÐæ몠          (who have)enthusiasm
íþê¨ùªùèõР  those who do not have
ãéìáÊ        even if they might have
ãéìáîõè     are they strong ?
ë÷ª×              any other thing

They are said to be strong, who have enthusiasm; and whatever other things they may have, would they be strong ? (591).

ãóªóëª ãéìéë ãéìéë  592
âçèÕóª ãéìéë å¨ùªùèÊ å©§ªæ¨ ô¨Ìëª

ãóªó몠     enthusiasm
ãéìéë   possessing
ãéìéë   real possession
âçèÕóª    wealth
ãéìéë   possessing
å¨ùªùèÊ   without being stable
婧ªæ¨        move away
ô¨Ì몠     will result

The inner strength of mind is the real strength, without it all other possessions are not worth (592).

  ÍæÐæëª ¬ÈåÐîêâëäª× íùªùèôèõÐ ÃæÐæëª 593
øÕôåÐêëª éæêÐÊéì áèõÐ

ÍæÐæ몠                wealth
¬ÈåÐîêâëäª×   despair on losing
íùªùèôèõР        will not be worried
ÃæÐæ몠               enthusiasm
øÕô䪠              a person
ê몠                    his
éæêÐÊéìáèõР  having as wealth in the hand

Those who lose their wealth will never despair as long as they never lose their enthusiasm (593).

ÍæÐæëª íêõÐô¨äèáªòÐ âòùªÙëª íéòô¨ùè 594
ÃæÐæëª ãéìáèäª ãéÈ

ÍæÐæ몠           wealth
íêõÐô¨äè᪠  on its own
âòùªÙ몠       will come
íéòô¨ùè     unrelenting
ÃæÐæ몠          enthusiasm
ãéìáè䪠     who has
ãéÈ             in him

Wealth will itself find its way to those of unfailing zeal (594).

âôóªóêÐÊ íéäá ëùõÐå©ìªìëª ëèåÐêõÐêëª 595
ãóªóêÐÊ íéäáÊ ãáõв

âôóªóêÐÊ    of the water
íéäá       measure
ëùõР           the (stalk of the) lotus
å©ìªì몠       the measure
ëèåÐêõР êëª  of the people
ãóªóêÐÊ       of mental strength
íéäáÊ     measure
ãáõв         status

Just as the long stalk of the lotus raises it above the water, so too will zeal elevate the people (595).

  ãóªÓôÊ öùªùèëª ãáõвóªóùª ë÷ª×íÊ 596
êóªó¨Äëª êóªóèéë å©õÐêÐÊ

ãóªÓôÊ               thinking
öùªùè몠               all
ãáõв                   of high nature
ãóªóùª                 one should think
ë÷ª× íÊ             others
êóªó¨Ä몠            even if not achieved
êóªóèéë  å©õÐêÐÊ  should not abandon

One should always aspire for higher things. Even when results do not accrue, aspiration will remain as an added value (596).

  ò¨éêô¨ìêÐÊ øùªæèõÐ ãõîôèõÐ µéêáëªç¨äª 597
çìªÌçªçèÌÃäª×ëª æó¨×

ò¨éêô¨ìêÐÊ       even when there is injury to oneself
øùªæèõР             remain steady
ãõîôèõР           those with resoluteness
éêáëªç¨äª        with arrow struck on the body
çìªÌ                causing injury
çèÌ Ãäª×몠  maintaining its greatness
æó¨×                elephant

Even as the elephant remains unperturbed when pierced by an arrow, one should remain steadfast in the face of injury (597).

  ãóªóëª ¬ùèêôõÐ öáªêèõÐ ãùæêÐÊ 598
ôóªó¨áëª öäªÄëª âòÕæÐÆ

ãóªó몠      mental resolve
¬ùèêôõР  those without
öáªêèõР      will not attain
ãùæêÐÊ      in this world
ôóªó¨á몠  self-esteem
öäªÄ몠    like that
âòÕæÐÆ     pride

Those without zeal will never attain the state of being counted among the self-esteemed (598).

  çõ¨áÊ ÔõЧªîæèìªìÊ Íá¨Äëª áèéä  599
âô¥ãëª µù¨êèæÐ Æ÷¨äª

çõ¨áÊ                mammoth
ÔõЧªîæèìªìÊ   having sharp tusks
Íá¨Ä몠           even if having
áèéä              the elephant
âô¥ã몠          will be terrified
ù¨êèæР Æ÷¨äª    when attacked by a tiger

Even if it be bigger than other animals and has tusks, the elephant fears the attack of the tiger (599).

  ãõëªøÕô÷ªÆ ãóªó âô×æÐéæ íþÊ ¬ùªùèõР 600
ëõëªëæÐæóª Íêîù îô×

ãõ몠                   firm knowledge
øÕô÷ªÆ              to one
ãóªó                   is
âô×æÐéæ           the very strength
íþÊ ¬ùªùèõР  those who do not have this
ëõ몠                  trees (are like)
ëæÐæóª  Íêîù    men in appearance
îô×                  though different (for sight) Zeal marks the man.

Without zeal, he is no better than the trees though he may appear different (600).