
    Panchadas'i.6.130-- From the standpoint of the ordinary worldly man, maayaa is real. From the standpoint of the man of realization, maayaa has no existence at all. For those who try to understand it through reasoning, maayaa cannot be determined as either real
or unreal; it is anirvachaniiya. S'rii S'ankara says in maayaapanchakam that maayaa
has the capacity to make the impossible happen. It imposes on Brahman, which is
eternal and devoid of parts and which is pure Consciousness, the false distinctions
as the world, individual souls and God. It makes even those who have mastered all
the scriptures no different from animals by tempting them with wealth and the like. It makes Brahman which is infinite bliss, pure Consciousness and non- dual, struggle in
the ocean of samsaara by associating it with the body made up of the five elements. It imposes on Brahman which is devoid of qualities the distinctions of colour, caste, etc,
and attachment to wife, son, possessions and the like. It creates even in non-dual
Brahman distinctions such as Brahmaa, Vishnu and S'iva and deludes even the
learned into thinking that they are different from one another.

    S'v.up.4.10-prakr.ti is maayaa and the supreme Lord is the wielder of maayaa. V.C. verse 110--- maayaa is called `Unmanifest'. It is the power of Parames'vara, the supreme Lord. It is beginningless Nescience. It is constituted of the three guNas, sattva, rajas and tamas. Its existence cannot be directly known, but can only be inferred from its effects. It is the cause of this universe. V.C.verse 111-it is neither real, nor unreal, nor both. It is neither different from Brahman, nor non-different, nor both. It is neither possessed
of parts, nor without parts, nor both. It is most wonderful and is of indescribable
nature. V.C.verse 112- This maayaa can be destroyed by the realization of the pure non-dual Brahman just as the illusory snake is negated by the knowledge of the rope
which is its sub-stratum. B.G.7.14-The Lord says-" This divine maayaa of Mine is
difficult to overcome. Those who take refuge in Me alone can cross over this
maayaa". B.G.13.1.S.B-prakr.tis'cha triguNaatmikaa ----- It is prakr.ti or maayaa
made up of the three guNas that has become transformed as all the bodies, organs
and objects for subserving the ends of the individual souls, namely, enjoyment and liberation