We are aiming to improve communication between the parents and the child. The parents know their child best and are with the child  24 hours a day. They are the main people who communicate with the child. it is vitally important, then that professionals work together with the parents in trying to improve communication. 
Here are some  basic guidelines to keep in mind while communicating with a child with special needs.......
Every child needs something to communicate about. It is up to us to create opprotunities for a child to communicate, rather than giving him everything he needs without even having to ask. 

Mother : We must wait for him to show us    whether he wants food.

Always talk to the child about what you are doing with her or about what is happening around her. 

Mother : look the sun is shinning!! lets go out and play with the ball

Be patient- give the child time to respond to any stimulus. 
Mother : Do you want some  food?
Often, the ways in which a multiply disabled child communicates are not familiar to us and we might not recognise them as being attempts at comunication. For this reason it is up to us to watch the child closely and to notice any attempts he might be making to communicate. 

Mother : look! he's moving his arm! 
Younger brother : perhaps he wants food.

The importance of responding to a child's attempts of communication cannot be stressed  enough. 
We must respond immediately, appropriately and consistently to all their attempts. 

Mother : she moved her hand when she saw the food. 
 younger brother : Yes, so we must feed her. 

When you are playing with the child, do something to her then wait for a while to see if she will show you in any way that she wants you to do that thing again. When she gives a sign, do the action again, then wait again, Continue. 

Mother : up and down! up and down! 
              now .....stop! 
Child:    uh- uh-uh! 
Mother: oh! you want more! ok! lets go again... up and    down!

Whenever you talk to the child, use an interesting voice - make your voice go high and low, loud and quiet so that she will want to listen to it. 

Father : Oooh! you look pretty today!  Good  girl!

To encourage the child to look at you when you speak, use intersting facial expressions, that are more likely to attract his attention.
For all communication, position yourself close to the child so that he knows you are there and that your are communicating with him
Establishing a routine of the daily events that happen in the child's life, can help her to have more understanding of when and why things happen to her. This will also help her to anticipate or predict daily events. 
Another way of increasing a child's understaning of what is happening to her is by always giving her a particular object as a sign of a particular event.For example, before eating, let the child feel a spoon; before bathing, let her feel the soap; before playing, let her feel a ball. 

 Father : Here is the spoon! its time to  eat! 
               This is the soap! bath time... etc.

 A multiply disabled child needs to having thing repeated often and in the same way. repetition and consistency will help her to learn, so when we bath her, we must always bath her in the same way; when we feed her we must always feed her in the same way, and so on.
Share your knowledge about your child's communication with your family and friends so that everyone treats him and responds to him in the same way. No-one should be forcing him to speak!.