Here are few of the questions which  parents of a child with multiple disability may have.
As parents you  may have more questions- never be afraid to ask or to find more about children  with multiple disabilities.
Is it my fault that my child is multiply disabled? No!It is not your or your husband's fault that your child is multiply disabled. Neither does it have anything to do with bad spirits. There are children all over the world who are multiply disabled and usually there are medical reasons to explain why a child has multiple disabilities.
Is there a cure for my child's disabilities? NO, there is no cure for your child's disabilities. If there are any pills or operations that might help your child, then your doctor will tell you. But on the whole, it is more important for you  to try to accept your child's difficulties, rather than searching for a cure for them.
Are my child's disabilities contagious?  NO, your child's disabilities are not contagious. They cannot be passed from one person to another. So you can encourage people to mix freely with your child.
Who can help our child? Your local rehabilitation workers can give you ideas on how help your child. But- more important than that-it is you, with the support of your family and community who can do most to help your child. You,the parents, are the most imprtant people.
Will my child be able to care for himself? Most children with multiple disabilities may be  unable to care for themselves. Their difficulties with muscle movement and with learning, as well as their other disabilties, mean that they may need help with washing, dressing and feeding.
Will my child be able to learn? All children with multiple disabilties are different, but most will have great difficulties with muscle movement and with learning, as well as their other disabilities, mean that they will always need help with washing, dressing and feeding.
Will my child be able to learn? All children with multiple disablities are different, but most will have great difficulties with learning and may never learn skills that other children acquire. It is important for us to find out what the child can do, so that  we can use this as a basis from which to help him learn. He will learn more slowly and in smaller steps thatn other children.
Will my child ever talk? No, it is  likely that your child will not learn to talk, but he will be able to learn to communicate in other ways, for example, through sounds, movements and facial expression. Children with multiple disabilities need a lot of help and attention to learn how to communicate and we need to adapt our communication to help them.
Are there schools for children like mine? Yes there are- but there are very few and it is difficult for a child to get a place. The best opportunity for a child to learn is in his own home and the best teachers are his parents. It is they who can care for and help their child most.