VERSES 371 TO 380
ÃȪ     Fate
ÍÔÈèùª  îêèäª×몠 íéòô¨äªéë  éæçªâçèÕóª    371
îçèÔÈèùª   îêèäª×몠  ëï
ÍÆ   ÃÈèùª       by fate which is the cause for prosperity
îêèäª×몠      will induce
íéòô¨äªéë       effort
éæçªâçèÕóª       of things in hand
îçèÆ    ÃÈèùª       fate which is the cause for destruction
îêèäª×몠      will induce
ëï       laziness

The   effort   that   brings   wealth   and   the   laziness   that   brings
suffering   are   both   ordained   by   fate   (371).

îçéê窠  çÌæÐÆ몠  ¬È´Èª   í÷¨ôæ÷ª×몠     372
ÍæûȪ   ã÷ª÷æР  æéì
îçéê       ignorance
çÌæÐÆ몠      will induce
¬È²   ÃȪ       the fate that destroys wealth
í÷¨²    íæ÷ª×몠      will widen one's intellect
Íæùª    ÃȪ       the fate that brings about prosperity
ã÷ª÷æÐæéì       at the advent

The   fate   that   ordains   wealth   or   suffering   will   provide
or   remove   the   needed   intelligence   (372).    
Åúªú¨á   ¿ùªçù   æ÷ªç¨Ä몠  ë÷ª×åÐê䪠      373
ãúªéë   í÷¨îô   ë¨Æëª
¿ùª         scriptures
çù       many
æ÷ªç¨Ä몠      even if one studies
ë÷ª×몠   ê䪠      even then his
ãúªéë    í÷¨îô       intellect induced by fate
ë¨Æ몠      will override
No   study   of   the   great   books   will   avail   the   man   to
override   his   intelligence   induced   by   fate   (373).  
¬Õîô×   ãùæêÐÊ   ¬á÷ªéæ   ê¨Õîô×        374
âêóªó¨á   õèêÙ몠  îô×
¬Õîô×       is of two types
ãùæêÐÊ       of the world
¬á÷ªéæ       nature
ê¨Õ       prosperity
îô×       is one
âêóªó¨áõР      wisdom
ÍêÙ몠      possessed of
îô×       is another
Fate   leads   to   two   different   things-it   can   lead   to   wealth
or   lead   to   wisdom     (374).
åùªùéô   öùªùè몠  ê©áôè몠  ê©á²ëª            375
åùªùôè몠  âòùªô몠  âòá÷ªÆ
åùªùéô         the good aspects
öùªùè몠      all
ê©áôè몠      are bad
ê©á²ëª       the bad aspects
åùªùôè몠      are good
âòùªô몠      wealth
âòá÷ªÆ       in the effort (for accumulation of wealth)
Sometimes   good   work   leads   to   loss   and   sometimes   bad   work
leads   to   gain-that   is   the   way   of   fate   (375).
çõ¨á¨Ä몠  Íæèôè몠  çèùùªù   ãáªêÐÊòР        376
âòèõ¨á¨Ä몠  îçèæè   êë
çõ¨á¨Ä몠      even though guarded with great effort
Íæèôè몠      will not be preserved
çèùª    íùªù       what is not one's entitlement through fate
ãáªêÐÊ       taken
âòèõ¨á¨Ä몠      even if cast away
îçèæè       cannot be shaken off
êë       what is one's entitlement through fate
Fate   destroys   what   one   takes   great   pains   to   retain   and
preserves   what   one   may   wish   to   throw   away   (376).

ôÆêÐêè䪠  ôÆêÐê   ôéæáùªùèùª   îæèï        377
âêèÆêÐêèõÐæÐÆ몠  ÊáªêÐêùª   íõ¨Ê
ôÆêÐêè䪠      fate (God)
ôÆêÐê       ordained
ôéæáùªùèùª       other than that
îæèï       countless
âêèÆêÐêèõÐæÐÆ몠      even if accumulated
ÊáªêÐêùª       more than that
íõ¨Ê       not available for enjoyment
For   him   who   has   accumulated   great   wealth,   fate   will   ordain
the   measure   of   his   enjoyment   of   it   (377).  
Ê÷çªçèõÐë䪠  Ê窵õ   ô¨ùªùèõР  ã÷÷ªçèù      378
Ãìªìè   æȨ±ëª   öä¨äª
Ê÷çªçèõР      will renounce (material comforts)
ë䪠      O!
Êçªç¨÷ô¨ùªùèõР      the have-nots
ã÷÷ª    çèù       the adversities ordained
Ãìªìè       without giving suffering
æȨ±ëª       will pass
öä¨äª       if so
Even   the   poor   will   take   to   renunciation   if   it   will   save   them
from   the   suffering   ordained   by   fate   (378).

åäª÷觪æèùª  åùªùôèæР æèúªçôõР íäª÷觪æèùª   379
íùªù÷ª   çÌô   âêôäª
åäª×    Í몠  æèùª       when good things happen
åùªùÍ       benefits
æèúªçôõР      enjoy
íäª×Íëªæèùª       when bad (not good) things happen
íùªùùª    çÌôÊ       suffer
öô䪠        why
Why   should   he   who   enjoys   benefit   when   it   comes,   complain
when   difficulties   also   (inevitably)   come   ?   (379)

ÃȨ÷ª   âçÕôù¨   áè²ó   ë÷ªâ÷èäª×           380
ÎȨÄ몠  êèäªËåР  Ê×ëª
ÃȨ䪠      than fate
âçÕôù¨       more powerful
áè      ãó       what can there be ?
ë÷ªâ÷èäª×       efforts to overcome fate
ÎȨÄ몠      even if planned
êè䪠   ËåÐÊ×몠      that (fate alone) will supersede
What   power   can   be   greater   than   fate   ?     Efforts   to   avert,
even   if   planned,   will   leave   fate   in   the   fore   (380).