SECTION - 41 -

VERSION 401 TO 410
æùªùèéë      Ignorance

íõ§ªæ¨äª÷¨   ôìªìèï   á÷ªî÷   å¨õëªç¨á            401
¿ù¨äª÷¨æР  îæèìªï   âæèóùª
íõ§ªæ¨äª÷¨       without (dice) board
ôìªÌ       dice
Íïí÷ªî÷       like playing
å¨õëªç¨á       comprehensive (knowledge)
¿ùª   ¬äª÷¨       without book (learning)
îæèìªï         an assembly
âæèóùª       to address
One   who   has   no   learning   and   addresses   an   assembly   is   like
trying   to   play   a   game   of   dice     without   a   board   (401).
æùªùèêè䪠 âòè÷ªæè  Ë×êùª  Ëéùá¨õúªÌ몠    402
¬ùªùèêèóª   âçúªæèË÷ª   ÷÷ª×
æùªùèêè䪠      the one without learning
âòèùª    æèË×êùª         desirous of speaking
Ëéùá¨õúªÌ몠        the pair of breasts
¬ùªùèêèóª       without
âçúª       a woman
æèË÷ª×    í÷ª×       desiring to show feminine charm

The   man   without   learning   who   seeks   to   address   an   assembly   is
like   the   woman   without   breasts   desiring   to   exhibit   feminine   charm   (402). 

æùªùè   êôÕ몠 åä¨åùªùõР æ÷ª÷èõÐË䪠           403
âòèùªùè   ê¨ÕæÐæ窠  âç÷¨äª
æùªùèêôÕ몠      even one of no learning
åä¨åùªùõР      an extremely fine person
æ÷ª÷èõÐË䪠      in a gathering of the learned
âòèùªùèÊ       keeping silent
¬ÕæÐæçªâç÷¨äª       if behaves so
A   man   of   no   learning   is   wise   if   he   keeps   his   silence
in   a   gathering   of   the   learned   (403).
æùªùèêè䪠  øìªç몠  æȨáå䪠  ÷èá¨Ä몠           404
âæèóªóèõР  í÷¨²éì   áèõÐ
æùªùèêè䪠      of the not learned
Øìªç몠      knowledge
æȨᠠ  åäª÷èá¨Ä몠      sometimes though excellent
âæèóªóèõР        would not approve
í÷¨²éìáèõР      the wise
An   occasional   display   of   intelligence   of   one   without   learning
will   not   gain   acceptance   of   the   learned   (404).
æùªùè   øÕô䪠  êéæéë   êéùçªâçáªÊ        405
âòèùªùèìòР  îòèõв   çÌëª
æùªùè       of the uneducated
øÕô䪠      one
êéæéë       respect
êéùçªâçáªÊ       with a learned one
âòèùªùèì       if engaged in conversation
îòèõвçÌ몠      will fail
Words   will   fail   an   unlettered   one when   he   encounters
 a   learned   person   (405).
ãóâõäªÄ몠 ëèêÐê¨éõáõР íùªùèùª  çáôèæР    406
æóõéäáõР  æùªùè   êôõÐ
ãóõР   öäªÄ몠      the one that exists
ëèêÐê¨éõáõР      this alone (could be said about him)
íùªùèùª       and nothing more
çáôè       barren
æóõР   íéäáõР      (like the ) fallow land
æùªùèêôõР      the uneducated are

The   one   who   is   not   educated   exists   only   in   (physical)   form
like   a   barren   land   that   is   of   no   use   (406).    
Åúªëèúª   Åéȵù몠  ¬ùªùè䪠  öȨùªåù몠     407
ëúªëèúª   µéäçèéô   á÷ª×
ëèúª       special knowledge
Åéȵù몠      ability to research
¬ùªùè䪠        the one without
öȨùª    åù몠      his handsome appearance
ëúª       earthern
ëèúª       exquisite
µéäçèéô       doll
í÷ª×       like
The   attainments   and   personality   of   one   whose   mind   is   not
improved     by   learning,     are   no   more   than   those   of   a
pretty   doll   of   clay   (407).    
åùªùèõÐæúª   çìªì   ô×éëá¨äª   ¬äªäèîê    408
æùªùèõÐæúª   çìªì   ê¨Õ
åùªùèõР   æúª         with the good
çìªì       available
ô×éëá¨äª         more than the poverty
¬äªäèîê       more severe
æùªùèõР   æúª       with the ignorant
çìªì         available
ê¨Õ       wealth
The   wealth   of   one   who   has   no   learning   brings   more   harm   than
the   poverty   of   a   learned   person   (408).
îë÷ªç¨÷åÐêè  õèá¨Äë  æùªùèêèõР æ©Èªçªç¨÷åÐÊ몠   409
æ÷ª÷èõР  íéäêÐê¨ùõР  çèÌ
îë÷ª    ç¨÷åÐêèõèá¨Ä몠      though born in affluent families
æùªùèêèõР      those with no learning
æ©Èªçªç¨÷åÐÊ몠      though born in poor families
æ÷ª÷èõР        the learned
íéäêÐÊ       as much as
¬ùõР      not
çèÌ       greatness

Those   with   no   learning,   though   from  affluent  families,  do  not   have   the same   worth   as   the   celebrated   from  even  poor  families  (409).
ô¨ù§ªâæèÌ   ëæÐæóª   íéäáõР  ¬ù§ªÆ¿ùª      410
æ÷ª÷èîõèÌ   Öéä   áôõÐ
ô¨ù§ªâæèÌ       comparable to beast
ëæÐæóª       people
íéäáõР      like
¬ù§ªÆ    ¿ùª       great books
æ÷ª÷èîõèÌ       those who have mastered
ÖéäáôõР      the others (the uneducated)

The   comparison   between   the   learned   and   those   without   learning
is   like   that   between   man   and   beast   (410).