SECTION - 42 -

VERSION 411 TO 420
îæóªô¨      On   Listening

âòùªôêÐÊóª âòùªôëª âòô¨òÐâòùªôëª íòÐâòùªô¢ª 411 
âòùªôêÐÊ   âóùªùèåР  êéù
âòùªôêÐÊóª         among all forms of wealth
âòùªô몠      that is wealth
âòô¨òÐâòùªô몠      the wealth (that comes from) of
íòÐâòùªô몠      that wealth
âòùªôêÐÊóª    öùªùè몠      among all forms of wealth
êéù       is the greatest
Amongst   the   forms   of   wealth,   that   which   comes   of   listening
to   the   wise,   is   the   greatest   (411).    
âòô¨æÐÆú   ô¨ùªùèê   îçèȪʠ  ò¨÷¨Ê                412
ôá¨÷ª×æÐÆ몠  ¼á窠  çÌëª
âòô¨æÐÆ    ãú²       food for ear, i.e. listening
¬ùªùèê    îçèȪʠ      when it is not there
ò¨÷¨Ê       a little
ôá¨÷ª×æÐÆ몠      for the stomach
¼áçªçÌ몠      will be given
Food   for   the   stomach   is   secondary   to   the   food   for   thought
that   comes   of   listening   (412).
âòô¨±úô¨÷ª  îæóªô¨  ±éìáèõР íô¨±úô¨äª     413
Íäª÷èîõè   âìèçªçõР  å¨ùêÐÊ
âòô¨±úô¨ùª       the food for the ear
îæóªô¨       listening
ãéìáèõР      those who have
íô¨±úô¨äª       those who subsist on the sacrificial offerings
Íäª÷èîõèÌ         with the gods
øçªçõР      are on par
å¨ùêÐÊ       though living on earth

Those   who   get   food   for   thought   through   listening to   the  wise,though   they   are   residing   on   the   earth, will  rank  with
 the  Gods  who  get  food  from  the sacrificial  oblations   (413).
æ÷ª÷¨ù  äèá¨Ä§ª  îæìªæ  íþâêèÕô÷ªÆ      414
ø÷ªæêÐê¨äª   Ã÷ª÷èåР  Êéú
æ÷ª÷¨ù䪠        unlettered
Íá¨Ä몠      even though
îæìªæ       listen to (the wise)
íþÊ       that
øÕô÷ªÆ       for one
ø÷ªæêÐê¨äª         when in depression
Ã÷ª×Í몠   Êéú       will be a supportive companion

Even   those  without  learning  must  learn  by  listening;  what  they  so learn,  will  be  their  support  in  times  of  depression   (414).  
¬ÇæÐæùª   ãéì±È¨   Ã÷ª×æÐîæè   ù÷ªî÷      415
øÇæÐæ   ËéìáèõÐôèáªòР  âòèùª
¬ÇæÐæùª       slippery
ãéì       quagmire
ãȨ       ground
Ã÷ª×æÐîæèùª       supporting stick
í÷ªî÷       like
øÇæÐæ몠      good conduct
ãéìáèõР      those hwo have
ôèáªòÐâòèùª       words
The   words   of   the   wise   provide   support   like   the   walking
stick   on   slippery   ground   (415).
öéäêÐêèÄ몠 åùªùéô  îæìªæ  íéäêÐêèÄëª 416
Íäª÷   âçÕéë   êÕëª
öéäêÐêèÄ몠      however few, the words
åùªùéô       on good aspects
îæìªæ       one should listen
íéäêÐêèÄ몠      to that extent
Íäª÷       complete
âçÕéë       benefit
êÕ몠      would bestow

One   should   listen   to   good   words,   however   few,   for   even   that   little will   confer   benefit   (416).  
ç¨éÈêÐÊúõÐåÐÊëª îçêéë âòèùªùèõР  ¬éÈêÐÊúõÐåÐ   417
ê©úªïá   îæóªô¨   áôõÐ
ç¨éÈêÐÊúõÐåÐÊ몠      even if wrongly understood
îçêéë       words sans wisdom
âòèùªùèõР      will not utter
¬éÈêÐÊúõÐåÐÊ       those who have analysed
¼úªïá       and full with
îæóªô¨áôõР      (those who are) wise through listening

Those   who   have   carefully   assimilated     what   they   have   learnt
and   also   having   had   the   advantage   of   listening   to   wise   words,
will   not,   even   when   making   a   mistake   in   understanding,
utter   erroneously   in   speech   (417).
îæìªç¨Ä§ª   îæóèêР  êéæáîô   îæóªô¨áèùª     418
îêèìªæ窠  çìèê   âòô¨
îæìªç¨Ä몠      even though capable of hearing well
îæóèêР   êéæáîô       they are deaf indeed
îæóªô¨áèùª       listening to words of wisdom
îêèìªæçªçìèê       not penetrated
âòô¨       ears
He   whose   ears   have   not   been   penetrated   by   the   words   of   the   wise, is   deaf   for   all   purposes   (418).

Åú§ªæ¨á   îæóªô¨á   õùªùèõР  ôú§ªæ¨á         419
ôèá¨ä   õèêùª   íõ¨Ê
îæóªô¨áõР      those who have listened
íùªùèõР      not
ôú§ªæ¨á       disclosing reverence
ôèá¨äõР      speakers
Íêùª       becoming
íõ¨Ê       rare
He   who   has   not   acquired   deep   knowledge   by   listening,   will
rarely   have   humility   in   speech   (419).
âòô¨á¨äª   àéô±úõè   ôè±úõÐô¨äª   ëèæÐæóª    420
íô¨á¨Ä몠  ôèȨÄ몠  öäª
âòô¨á¨äª       of the ears
àéô       taste
ãúõè       not knowing
ôè᪠      of the mouth
ãúõÐô¨äª       knowing the taste
ëèæÐæóª       people
íô¨á¨Ä몠      if dead
ôèȨÄ몠      if alive
ö䪠      what is the use ?
If   one   has   not   acquired   the   taste   of   values   through   the   ear,
but   has   only   acquired   tastes   of   the   tongue,   what   does   it   matter
whether   he   lives   or   dies   ?   (420).