SECTION - 56 -

VERSES 551 TO 560
âæȩ̀ªîæèäªéë     Tyranny

âæèéùîë÷ªâæèúª ìèõ¨÷ª âæèïîê íéùîë÷ªâæèúªÌ  551
íùªùéô âòáªâêèÇëª îôåÐÊ

âæèéù                    murderous activities
îëùª âæèúªìèõ¨äª   those who resort to
âæèïâê                  worse than
íéù                       evil acts
îëùªâæèúªÌ           as his goal
íùªùéô                 evil deeds
âòáªâêèÇ몠           who rules
îôåÐÊ                      the king

The king who oppresses his people is worse than a murderer  (551).

îôâùèÌ å¨äª÷èäª ¬Ìöäª ÷ÊîçèÙëª 552
îæèîùèÌ å¨äª÷èäª ¬õ²

îôâùèÌ  å¨äª÷è䪠  the robber with the spear
¬Ì                           forcing one to part with one's posessions
öäª÷Ê îçèÙ몠         is similar to
îæèâùèÌ  å¨äª÷èäª  the king with the sceptre
¬õ²                          (making illegal) demands from the people

The one who wields the sceptre and makes (illegal) demands on his people is like the robber with the spear who makes demands on the wayfarers  (552).

  åèóªâêè×ëª åèï Ëé÷âòáªáè ëäªäô䪠 553
åèóªîêè×ëª åèÌ âæÌëª

åèóª âêè×몠     every day
åèï                    analyse good and bad
Ëé÷ âòáªáè     (who) does not enforce the right rule
ëäªäô䪠           of the king
åèóª âêè×몠     day by day
åèÌ                    the country
âæÌ몠               is destroyed

The king who does not address the people's needs everyday will have his kingdom eroded by the day (553).

  ÔÇëª Æï±ëª øÕ§ªæ¨ÈæÐÆëª îæèùªîæèïòР 554
ÎÈèÊ âòáª±ëª íõà

ÔÇ몠           wealth
Æï±ëª          the people
øÕ§ªÆ          together
¬ÈæÐÆ몠      will lose
îæèùªîæèï   through unjust acts
ÎÈèÊ           not thinking of the unwelcome consequences
âò᪱몠       who performs
íõà              the king

The king who fails to render justice and does not reflect on the consequences will soon lose his wealth and his people (554).

  íùªù÷ªçìªÌ Í÷ª÷èÊ íÇêæúª ú©õÐíäªî÷ 555
âòùªôêÐéê îêáªæÐÆëª çéì

íùªùùª  çìªÌ  through sufferings
Í÷ª÷èÊ            unbearable
íÇê               shedding
æúªú©õР           tear drops
íäªî÷             certainly
âòùªôêÐéê       of the wealth (of the king)
îêáªæÐÆ몠        dissipating
çéì                army

The tears resulting from suffering caused by the king will be the cause of his undoing (555).  

ëäªäõÐæÐÆ ëäªÄêùª âò§ªîæèäªéë íþʬäªî÷ùª 556
ëäªäèôèëª ëäªäõÐæÐÆ øó¨

ëäªäõÐæÐÆ          for the kings
ëäªÄêùª           the cause for lasting fame
âò§ªîæèäªéë   is just rule
íþÊ                that
¬äªî÷ùª           without
ëäªäèÍ몠       will not sustain
ëäªäõÐæÐÆ          to the king's
øó¨                    fame

The repute of a king comes of his just rule; without that his repute will be lost (556).

Êó¨¬äªéë ¢èùêÐê¨÷ªÆ ö÷ª× ? í÷ªî÷ îôåÐêäª 557
íó¨¬äªéë ôèÇëª ãá¨õÐæÐÆ

Êó¨ ¬äªéë     without (drops of) rain
¢èùêÐê¨÷ªÆ      to the world
ö÷ª×                in what way (will be disastrous)
í÷ªî÷   in the same way
îôåÐê䪠  the king's
íó¨ ¬äªéë   lack of concern
ôèÇ몠  those under his rule
ãá¨õÐæÐÆ   living beings

The suffering caused to his subjects by a king, who has no compassion, is like the suffering of all living things when there is no rain (557).  

¬äªéëá¨äª ¬äªäèÊ ãéìéë Ëé÷âòáªáè  558
ëäªäôäª îæè÷ªæ©Èªçª çïäª

¬äªéëá¨äª       worse than poverty
¬äªäèÊ           (will present) more suffering
ãéìéë           for the haves
Ëé÷ âòáªáè   who rules unrighteously
ëäªäô䪠         the king
îæèùª               "sceptre" (unjust rule)
æ©Èªçªçï䪠        if subjected

Under the rule of an unjust king, the wealthy will suffer even more than the poor (558).

Ëé÷îæèï ëäªäôäª âòáªá¨äª ãé÷îæèï  559
ØùªùèÊ ôèäëª âçáùª

Ëé÷ îæèï   in an unrighteous way
ëäªäô䪠      the king
âòáªá¨äª        if he rules
ãé÷îæèï     seasonal rains failing
øùªùèÊ         will not
ôèä몠          the heavens
âçáùª           rains

When the king fails to render justice, even the heavens will fail to send down seasonal rains  (559).  

Íçáäª Æäª×ëª í×âêèȨîùèõÐ ¿ùªë÷çªçõР 560
æèôùäª æèôèäª öä¨äª

Í                          even the cows
çá䪠                    yield (of milk)
Æäª×몠                will become less
í× âêèȨîùèõР  those engaged in the study of scriptures
¿ùª ë÷çªçõР         will neglect their studies
æèôù䪠               the king
æèôè䪠                does not rule justly
öä¨äª                    if so (he)

When the king does not rule justly, the cows will yield less and the six trades will decline (farmer, trader,teacher, potter, artist and physician, in other words, the whole economy). (560). 

note: the duties of a Brahmin are sixfold, namely Adhyayana, Adhyaapana, Yajana, Yaajana, Daana and Parigraha (i.e. the study of scriptures, teaching of scriptures, performing sacrifice, conducting sacrifice, making gifts and receiving gifts)