SECTION - 57 -

VERSES 561 TO 570
âôÕôåÐêâòáªáèéë     Repression in Punishment

  êæÐæè§ªÆ åèïêÐ êéùâòùªùè ôúªúêÐêèùª 561
øêÐÊͧªÆ ø×çªçÊ îôåÐÊ

êæÐæ ͧªÆ                             impartially (the offence)
åèï                                      weighing
êéù âòùªùè  ôúªúêÐêèùª   preventing in repeating the offence
øêÐÊ Í§ªÆ                            suitable to the offence
ø×çªçÊ                                ordering punishment
îôåÐÊ                                   is (the duty of a true) king

He is fit to be the king who weighs the offences and orders a suitable punishment that will provide a deterrent to the offender (561).

  æïÊØòÐò¨ âëùªù ö÷¨æ âåïÊ ÍæÐæ몠 562
婧ªæèéë îôúªÌ çôõÐ

æïÊ ØòÐò¨       appearing to be severe
âëùªù ö÷¨æ   blending mercy with justice
âåïÊ            for a long time
ÍæÐæ몠          prosperity (fame)
婧ªæèéë       which will not fade
îôúªÌçôõР  those desiring

Prosperous rule will follow when the king appears to be severe but is less so in action when awarding a punishment (562).

âôÕôåÐê âòáªâêèÇÆëª âô§ªîæèùäª Íá¨äª  563
øÕôåÐêëª øùªéùæÐ âæÌëª

âôÕôåÐê                    despotic reign
âòáªâêèÇÆ몠           doing and ruling
âô§ªâæèù䪠 Íá¨äª  if so cruel a king
øÕôåÐê몠                   certainly
øùªéù                       soon enough
âæÌ몠                       will be ruined

The king who rules harshly will soon himself be ruined  (563).

  ¬é÷æïáäª öäª×éõæÐÆëª ¬äªäèòÐâòèùª îôåÐê䪠 564
ãé÷æÌæ¨ øùªéùæÐ âæÌëª

¬é÷                  the king
æïá䪠               if despotic
öäª×éõæÐÆ몠     if his reputation
¬äªäèòÐâòèùª   a notorious one
îôåÐê䪠             (then) that king
ãé÷                   lifespan
æÌ樠                  reduced
øùªéù               soon
âæÌ몠               will be ruined

When people generally say the king is a cruel person, the latter will suffer loss of prosperity and have a shortened life (564).

íÕ¢ªâòôªô¨ ¬äªäè ËæêÐêèäª âçÕ¢ªâòùªô몠 565
îçöáªæúª ìäªäÊ ãéìêÐÊ

íÕ¢ª âòôªô¨               not easily accessible
¬äªäè ËæêÐêè䪠        ever sporting an angry look
âçÕ¢ªâòùªô몠           immense wealth
îçö᪠æúªÌ  íäªäÊ  guarded by a ghost
ãéìêÐÊ                       is as useless as

The king who is not easily accessible, and unpleasant when met, is like the wealth guarded by a ghost (565).

æÌ¢ªâòèùªùäª æúªú¨ùäª Íá¨äª âåÌ¢ªâòùªô몠 566
å©Ì¬äª÷¨ ͧªîæ âæÌëª

æÌëªâòèùªù䪠   harsh in speech
æúª¬ù䪠          without compassion
Íá¨äª                 if (he) is so
âåÌ¢ªâòùªô몠  great wealth
å©Ì ¬äª÷¨           not being stable
ͧªîæ                immediately
âæÌ몠               be lost

The king who is harsh in speech and without compassion will soon have his wealth wither away (566).

æÌâëèȨ±ëª éæá¨æåÐê êúªìËëª îôåÐê䪠 567
íÌËõúª îêáªæÐÆëª íõëª

æÌâëèȨ±ëª   abrasive language
éæ¬æåÐê         excessive
êúªìË몠        punishment
îôåÐê䪠          the king
íÌËõúª        (his) power of subduing the enemy
îêáªæÐÆ몠        wears away
íõ몠              the file that

Harsh words and disproportionate punishments will, like the file that wears away iron, wear away his strength in subduing enemies (567).

¬äêÐêè÷ª÷¨ öúªúèê îôåÐêäª ò¨äêÐêè÷ª÷¨òР 568
ò©÷¨äª ò¨×Æëª ê¨Õ

¬äêÐÊ Í÷ª÷¨   in the council of ministers
öúªúèê          and not deliberating issues
îôåÐê䪠           the king
ò¨äêÐÊ  Í÷ª÷¨   with rage
ò©÷¨äª                is angry with them
ò¨×Æ몠            will dwindle
ê¨Õ                  his prosperity

The king who does not deliberate in the council of his advisers, and rages against them, will soon see his wealth shrink (568).

âòÕôåÐê îçèȪê¨ùª ò¨é÷âòáªáè îôåÐê䪠 569
âôÕôåÐÊ âôáªÊ âæÌëª

âòÕôåÐê  îçèȪê¨ùª   in times of war
ò¨é÷âòáªáè             one who has not protected himself
îôåÐê䪠                    the king
âôÕôåÐÊ                 with fear
âôáªÊ                      soon enough
âæÌ몠                      meet his end

The king who does not plan his fortress and his defence before the enemy comes, will soon be overcome (569).

  æùªùèõÐçª ç¨ú¨æÐÆëª æ̧ªîæèùª íÊôùªùÊ  570
¬ùªéù å¨ùæÐÆçª âçèé÷

æùªùèõР          the uninformed
ç¨ú¨æÐÆ몠      will be advisers
æ̧ªîæèùª      the cruel king
íÊ íùªùÊ   apart from those
¬ùªéù          is not
å¨ùæÐÆ            to the world
âçèé÷          any other burden

There is no greater burden on the earth than the cruel king who relies on ignorant advisers (570).