SECTION - 58 -

VERSES 571 TO 580
æúªîúèìªìëª     Compassion

æúªîúèìªìëª öäªÄëª æȨâçÕ§ª æèõ¨éæ  571
ãúªéëáèäª ãúªÌ¬ôª ãùÆ

æúªîúèìªì몠 öäªÄëª  that which is named compassion
æȨ âçÕ몠                     the greatest
æèõ¨éæ                           quality
ãúªéëáè䪠                 because it is present
ãúªÌ                             is sustained
¬ôª²ùÆ                       this world

Compassion is the greatest quality which sustains this world (571).

æúªîúèìªìêÐÊ ãóªóÊ ãùæ¨áùª íþê¨ùèõР 572
ãúªéë å¨ùæÐÆçª âçèé÷

æúªîúèìªìêÐÊ   due to compassion
ãóªóÊ                 exists
ãùÆ ¬áùª         this worldly life
íþÊ ¬ùªùèõР   those who do not have that
ãúªéë               their existence
å¨ùæÐÆ                 to the earth
âçèé÷               is a burden

As the world is sustained by compassion, those without this quality are but a burden on this earth  (572).

çúªöäªäèëª çèì÷ªÆ ¬éᵬäªî÷ùª æúªöäªäè몠 573
æúªîúèìªìëª ¬ùªùèê æúª

çúª                        tune
öäª Í몠                 of what use
çèì÷ªÆ                  to the song
¬éáµ ¬äªî÷ùª   is not apposite
æúª                       the eyes
öäª Í몠               of what use
æúªîúèìªì몠     compassion
¬ùªùèê  æúª       the time when it is not there

The eyes that show no compassion are like the song that has no tune  (573).

  ãóîçèùª ËæêÐÊöôäª âòáª±ëª íóô¨äèùª  574
æúªîúèìªìëª ¬ùªùèê æúª

ãó îçèùª                        as if being there
ËæêÐÊ                              on the face
öô䪠                              of what use
âò᪱몠                          will it be
íóô¨äèùª                      in proper measure
æúªîúèìªì몠 ¬ùªùèê  without compassion
æúª                                  eyes

Of what use are eyes that show not even moderate compassion, though they appear to be existing on the face (574).

æúªú¨÷ªÆ íú¨æùëª æúªîúèìªìëª íþʬäªî÷ùª  575
µúªöäª× ãúõçª çÌëª

æúªú¨÷ªÆ          for eyes
íú¨æù몠         ornament
æúªîúèìªì몠  compassion
íþÊ                that
¬äªî÷ùª           if not there
µúª                   sore
öäª×                like that
ãúõçªçÌ몠     it would appear

Compassion is the jewel that adorns the eyes. Without that the eyes are no more than sores on the face (575).

ëúªîúèÌ ¬éáåÐê ëõêÐêéäáõÐ æúªîúèÌ 576
¬éáåÐÊæúª îúèìè êôõÐ

ëúªîúèÌ           in the earth
¬éáåÐê               rooted
ëõêÐÊ íéäáõР   comparable to trees
æúªîúèÌ            with eyes
¬éáåÐÊ               even if blessed
æúªîúèìèêôõР  those wihout compassion

Those whose eyes show no compassion are like trees rooted to the ground (576).

æúªîúèìªìëª ¬ùªùôõÐ æúªú¨ùõÐ æúªÑéìáèõР 577
æúªîúèìªìëª ¬äªéë±ëª ¬ùª

æúªîúèìªì몠  compassion
¬ùªùôõР           those who do not have
æúªú¨ùõР          are (as good as) without eyes
æúª                    eyes
ãéìáèõР          those who have
æúªîúèìªì몠  compassion
¬äªéë±ëª        concern
¬ùª                   those who do not have

Those who have no compassion really have no eyes, but the real eyes are of those who have compassion (577).

æÕëëª ò¨éêáèëùª æúªîúèì ôùªùèõÐæÐÆ  578
ãõ¨éë ãéìêÐê¨ôª ²ùÆ

æÕë몠          work taken on hand
ò¨éêáèëùª   without damage
æúªîúèì   with compassion
ôùªùèõÐæÐÆ   those who show
ãõ¨éë          control
ãéìêÐÊ       will there be
¬ôª²ùÆ      this world

Those who show compassion, while correctly performing their duties, will get all that this world has to offer (578).

  ø×êÐêè÷ª×ëª çúªç¨äèõÐ æúªÑëªæúª îúèï窠 579
âçè×êÐêè÷ª×ëª çúªîç êéù

ø×êÐÊ  Í÷ª×몠      to the one that punishes one
çúªç¨äèõР             the nature of
æúªÑ몠                towards them
æúªîúèï             showing compassion
âçè×êÐÊ  Í÷ª×ëª  putting up with
çúªîç                   culture
êéù                      the highest

To show compassion and forbearance even to those  who harm you, is the mark of the highest culture (579). 

âçáæÐæúªÌëª å¢ªàúªÌ íéëôõÐ åáêÐêæÐæ  580
åèæõ¨æëª îôúªÌ çôõÐ

âçáæÐæúªÌ몠  the friendly (person)
墪àúªÌ          consuming poison
íéëôõР         will remain
åáêÐêæÐæ           desirous of
åèæõ¨æ몠          compassion
îôúªÌçôõР    those who want to practise

Those who do not hesitate to accept and consume what is served to them even if it be poison, are those who are full of graceful compassion (580).