SECTION - 59 -

VERSES 581 TO 590
ø÷ª÷èìùª     Spying - Intelligence Collection

ø÷ª×ëª ãéõòèäª÷ ¿Ùëª ¬éôá¨õúªÌ몠 581
âê÷ªâ÷äªæ ëäªäôäª æúª

ø÷ª×몠        the spy
ãéõòèäª÷   authoritative in law
¿Ù몠         books
¬éô          these
¬õúªÌ몠    two
âê÷ª×          clearly
öäªæ            understood
ëäªäô䪠    the ruler's
æúª              eye(s)

The intelligence system and the books of law are the two eyes of the king (581).

öùªùèõÐæÐÆëª öùªùèëª å¨æȪçéô ö¢ª¢èäª×ëª 582
ôùªí÷¨êùª îôåÐêäª âêèȨùª

öùªùèõÐæÐÆ몠   in respec of everyone
öùªùè몠          all
å¨æȪçéô        developments
ö¢ª¢èäª×몠   every day
ôùª                  promptly
í÷¨êùª            coming to know
îôåÐê䪠          of the king's
âêèȨùª           duty

It is the duty of the king to know all that happens everywhere and at all times, through his intelligence agents (582)..

ø÷ª÷¨äèäª ø÷ª÷¨çª âçè×óªâêõ¨áè ëäªäô䪠 583
âæè÷ª÷ëª âæèóæÐæ¨ìåÐêÊ ¬ùª

ø÷ª÷¨äè䪠            through spies
ø÷ª÷¨                     having learnt about all developments
âçèÕóª  âêõ¨áè  and without analysing such intelligence
ëäªäô䪠             for the king
âæè÷ª÷몠             success
âæèóæÐæ¨ìåÐêÊ    the means of
¬ùª                     there is none

The king who does not get information through his agents and analyses them will never achieve success  (583).

  ô¨éäâòáªôèõÐ êëªà÷ª÷ëª îôúªìèêèõÐ öäª÷§ªÆ  584
íéäôéõ±ëª ÍõèáªôÊ ø÷ª×

ô¨éä                  activities
âòáªôèõР            those who engage in
ê몠                     one's
à÷ª÷몠                associates
îôúªìèêèõР      enemies
öäª×                  thus
ͧªÆ                 known
íéäôéõ±ëª   all
ÍõèáªôÊ           watching
ø÷ª×                  is spying

The coverage of all including officials, relations and enemies makes for good intelligence  (584).

  æìèí ãÕîôèÌ æúªú¢ªòèÊ áèúªÌ몠 585
ãæèíéë ôùªùîê ø÷ª×

æìèí         without exciting suspicion
ãÕîôèÌ    with appearance
æúª             (enemy's) eyes
í¢ªòèÊ     unperturbed
áèúªÌ몠   everywhere
ãæèíéë   not letting out facts
ôùªùîê      having the capacity
ø÷ª×           spying

The good spy is he who does not attract suspicion when in disguise or otherwise and never be disturbed when suspected or disclose his thoughts to the enemy (585).

  Ê÷åÐêèõÐ çïôêÐêõÐ Íæ¨ ¬÷åÐÊÍõèáªåÐÊ  586
öäªâòá¨Äëª îòèõÐô¨ùÊ ø÷ª×

Ê÷åÐêèõР         ascetic
çïôêÐêõР        mendicant
Í樠                in the garb of
¬÷åÐÊ            crossing all hurdles
ÍõèáªåÐÊ        gettig down to facts
öäªâòá¨Ä몠  whatever be the means adopted by enemies against him
îòèõв            breaking down
¬ùÊ              without
ø÷ª×               is spying

Gaining access to difficult places or sources of information, adopting the guise of an ascetic or holy man, and never confessing even under coercion, make a good spy (586).

  ëé÷åÐêéô îæìªæô÷ª× Íæ¨ í÷¨åÐêéô  587
ÉáçªçèÌ ¬ùªùîê ø÷ª×

ëé÷åÐêéô    secrets
îæìªæ            to enquire and ascertain
ô÷ª× Í樠     be an adept
í÷¨åÐêéô     those which had been ascertained
ÉáçªçèÌ      doubts
¬ùªùîê       without
ø÷ª×             is spying

He who gets access to secret information or activities, and gets it verified beyond doubt, is a good spy (587).

ø÷ª×ø÷ª÷¨êÐ êåÐê âçèÕéó±ëª ë÷ª×ëªØõР 588
ø÷ª÷¨äèùª ø÷ª÷¨æÐ âæèóùª

ø÷ª×                one spy
ø÷ª÷¨êР êåÐê      information collected and given by
âçèÕéó±ëª   matter
ë÷ª×몠             an independent
ØõР                    one
ø÷ª÷¨äèùª          through spy
ø÷ª÷¨æÐâæèóùª   cross-checking

The information brought by one spy should always be cross-checked with that brought independently by another (588).

ø÷ª×ø÷ª× ãúõèéë Íóªæ ãìäªßôõР 589
âòèùªâêèæÐæ îê÷çª çÌëª

ø÷ª×             one spy
ø÷ª×             another spy
ãúõèéë     should not know (each other as working on the same area)
Íóªæ             thus, it should be managed
ãì䪠            corroboration
ßôõР            three (spies)
âòèùª           information collected
âêèæÐæ         if so
îê÷çªçÌ몠  should be considered reliable

When more than one spy are to be sent on an assignment,they should not know each other. When there is corroboration in the independent reports of three spies, the information they bring may be considered true (589).

ò¨÷窵í÷¨á ø÷ª÷¨äªæúª âòáªá÷ªæ âòáªá¨äª  590
µ÷çªçÌêÐêèäª ÍÆëª ëé÷

ò¨÷窵               recognition
í÷¨á                openly
ø÷ª÷¨äªæúª        towards the spy
âòáªá÷ªæ          should not be done
âòáªá¨äª          if done
÷çªçÌêÐêè䪠   one who exposes himself
ÍÆ몠             will become
ëé÷               one's secret

There should be no open recognition of a spy's work. Such open recognition will amount to himself exposing his own secrets (590).