SECTION - 63 -

VERSES 621 TO 630
¬ÌæÐæúȨáèéë      Fortitude

¬ÌæÐæúª   ôÕ§ªæèùª   åÆæ   íêéä                                  621
íÌêЭõÐôÊ   íþâêèçªçÊ   ¬ùª
¬ÌæÐæúª       difficulty
ôÕ§ªæèùª       when one faces (it)
åÆæ       without worrying, take it in the stride
íêéä       that (difficulty)
íÌêÐÊ       following (happiness)
ÃõÐôÊ       which comes
íþÊ   øçªçÊ       equal to that
¬ùª       not
One   must   smile   in   the   face   of   difficulty.   What   follows   difficulty is     one   (happiness),   which   has   no   equal   (621).
âôóªóêÐÊ   íéäá   ¬Ìëªéç   í÷¨²éìáè䪠                622
ãóªóêÐê¨äª   ãóªóæР  âæÌëª
âôóªóêÐÊ       like deluge
íéäá       huge
¬Ìëªéç       all difficulties
í÷¨²éìáè䪠      the wise one
ãóªóêÐê¨äª       in his mind
ãóªó       if he is resolute
âæÌ몠      will be destroyed
Even   when   suffering   comes   as   a   deluge,   it   can   be   countered   by   resolute   thinking   (622).    
¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ   ¬Ìëªéç   çÌçªçõР  ¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ                  623
¬Ìëªéç   çìèí   êôõÐ
¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ       for encountering adversity
¬Ìëªéç       difficulty
çÌçªçõР      the one who causes
¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ       in the face of adversity
¬Ìëªéç    çìèêôõР      the one who is not affected (adversely)

They   who   remain   unaffected   by   adversity,   will   makeadversity   itself   ineffective   (623). 

ëÌêÐêôè᪠  öùªùè몠  çæÌíäªäè䪠  ã÷ª÷                           624
¬ÌæÐæúª   ¬ìõÐçªçèÌ   ãéìêÐÊ
ëÌêÐê       obstacles
ôè᪠   öùªùè몠      on all paths
çæÌ       the bull that draws the cart
íäªäè䪠      like
ã÷ª÷       facing
¬ÌæÐæúª       difficulty
¬ìõÐçªçèÌ       will itself suffer
ãéìêÐÊ       is of the nature
Like   the   bull   that   draws   the   cart   on   any   path   despite   obstacles, one   can   overcome   all   obstacles   and   render   them   ineffective   (624).
íÌæÐ樠  ôõ¨Ä몠  íȨô¨ùè䪠  ã÷ª÷                                       625
¬ÌæÐæúª   ¬ÌæÐæúª   çÌëª
íÌæÐ樠      in succession
ôõ¨Ä몠      even when they crop up
íȨô¨ùè䪠      one who does not abandon resoulteness
ã÷ª÷       beset (with difficulty)
¬ÌæÐæúª       difficulty
¬ÌæÐæúª    çÌ몠      will be ineffective
Difficulties   that   come   relentlessly   will   be   defeated   by   one who   is   resolute   (625).
í÷ªî÷ëªöäª×   íùªù÷ª   çÌçîôè   âç÷ªî÷ëªöäª×             626
Ø몵êùª   îê÷ª÷è   êôõÐ
í÷ªî÷몠   öäª×       grieving at the turn of misfortune
íùªù÷ª    çÌçîôè       will they complain ? (they will not)
âç÷ªî÷몠   öäª×       feeling happy at the turn of good fortune
Ø몵êùª       the way to conserve it
îê÷ª÷èêôõР      one who does not know
Those   who   do   not   rejoice   when   fortune   comes,   do   not   complain when   misfortune   follows   (626).
¬ùæÐæ몠  ãì몵¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ   öäª×   æùæÐæêÐéêæР          627
éæáè÷èæР  âæèóªóèêè몠  îëùª
¬ùæÐæ몠      the target
ãì몵       the body
¬ÌëªéçæÐÆ       to (the sword of) suffering
öäª×       thus
æùæÐæêÐéê       perturbed
éæáè÷èæР      as difficulty
âæèóªóèêè몠      will not consider
îëùª       the wise
Those   who   realise   that   the   body   is   heir   to   suffering,   will not   be   perturbed   when   suffering   comes   (627).
¬äªç몠  ô¨éÈáè䪠  ¬Ìëªéç   ¬áùªµöäªçè䪠                628
Êäªç몠  ã×êùª   ¬ùäª
¬äªç몠      pleasure
ô¨éÈáè䪠      the one who does not seek
¬Ìëªéç       sorrow
¬áùªµ       is natural
öäªçè䪠      will say
Êäªç몠      suffering
ã×êùª       is adversely affected
¬ù䪠      not
Those   who   do   not   seek   pleasure   and   realise   that   suffering   is natural   to   living,   will   be   unaffected   by   suffering   (628).
¬äªçêÐÊóª   ¬äªç몠  ô¨éÈáèêè䪠  ÊäªçêÐÊóª               629
Êäªç몠  ã×êùª   ¬ùäª
¬äªçêÐÊóª       whie enjoying pleasures
¬äªç몠   ô¨éÈáèêè䪠      the one who does not enjoy
ÊäªçêÐÊóª       while in the centre of problems
Êäªç몠      pain
ã×êùª       will be affected
¬ù䪠      not

He   who   is   unmoved   by   pleasure   will   also   be unmoved   by   pain   (629).    
¬äªäèéë   ¬äªç몠  öäæÐâæèó¨äª   ÍÆëªê䪠              630
øäªäèõР  ô¨éȱ몠  ò¨÷窵
¬äªäèéë       sufferings
¬äªç몠      happiness
öäæÐâæèó¨äª       if (he) would consider so
ÍÆ몠      will win
ê䪠      one's
øäªäèõР      enemies
ô¨éȱ몠      desiring
ò¨÷窵       the respect
He   who   can   find   joy   even   in   adversity,   will   win   the respect   of   even   his   enemies   (630).