VERSES 671 TO 680
  ô¨éäâòáùªôéæ     Management   Method
ÎȪòÐò¨   Ëï²   Êú¨âôáªêùª   íêÐÊú¨²        671
êèȪòÐò¨±óª   ꧪÆêùª   ê©Ê
ÎȪòÐò¨       deliberation
Ëï²       conclusion
Êú¨²    öáªêùª       attaining determination
íêÐÊú¨²         that determination
êèȪòÐò¨±óª       with procrastination
ꧪÆêùª       delaying
ê©Ê       harmful
Once   a   task   has   been   duly   considered   and   a   firm   decision   reached, delay   in   execution   will   be   harmful   (671).  

­§ªÆæ   ­§ªæ¨òР  âòá÷ªçèù   ­§ªæ÷ªæ        672
­§ªæèÊ   âò᪱몠  ô¨éä
­§ªÆæ       carry out slowly
­§ªæ¨       with delay
âòáùª    çèù       those to be done
­§ªæ÷ªæ       without delay
­§ªæèÊ       without delay
âò᪱몠      accomplishing
ô¨éä       tasks
Tasks   that   can   wait   can   be   done   at   leisure,   but   important ones   should   never   be   put   off   (672).  
øùªÙëªôè   âáùªùè몠  ô¨éäåäªî÷   øùªùèæÐæèùª     673
âòùªÙëªôè᪠  îåèæÐæ¨òР  âòáùª
øùªÙëªôè᪠      which can be achieved
öùªùè몠      all
ô¨éä       accomplishing the task
åäªî÷       is good
øùªùèæÐæèùª           if unable to complete
âòùªÙëªôè᪠      the means to complete
îåèæÐ樠      considering
âòáùª       doing
Where   the   way   to   accomplish   a   task   is   clear,   it   should   be performed   straight   away,   otherwise   alternative   ways   must be   carefully   considered   (673).  
ô¨éäçéæ   âáäª÷¨õúªï䪠  öòÐò몠  å¨é䱧ªæèùª     674
ê©âáòÐò몠  îçèùêР  âê×ëª
ô¨éä       work
çéæ       enmity
öäª×    ¬õúªï䪠      these two
öòÐò몠      if left undone or extinguished
å¨é䱧ªæèùª       if analysed
ê©âáòÐò몠      the smouldering embers
îçèù       like
âê×몠      will flare up
Work   that   is   not   finished   and   enmity   that   is   not   crushed   will cause   problems   like   smouldering   embers   that   take   flame   (674).  
âçèÕóªæÕô¨   æèù몠  ô¨éäá¨ìîäè   éìåÐÊ몠   675
¬Õóªê©õ   öúªú¨òР  âòáùª
âçèÕóª       resources
æÕô¨       instruments
æèù몠      time
ô¨éä       means
¬ìîäèÌ       place
ÉåÐÊ몠      these five
¬Õóªê©õ       after clearly analysing
öúªú¨       consider
âòáùª       engage in
One   must   consider   five   things-   resources,   instruments,   means, time   and   place-   before   embarking   on   a   task   (675).  
Ëï²ëª   ¬éì¹×몠  Ë÷ª÷¨á觪   âæáªÊ몠   676
çÌçáÄ몠  çèõÐêÐÊòР  âòáùª
Ëï²ëª       (effort to achieve) the result
¬éì¹×몠      obstacles
Ë÷ª÷¨á觪Ơ      on completion of the task
öáªÊ몠      the resultant
çÌçáÄ몠      great benefit
çèõÐêÐÊ       having examined
âòáùª       the task
One   must   consider   the   objectives   and   the   obstacles   before undertaking   a   task   and   also   the   results   that   accrue   on   its completion   (676).

âòáªô¨éä   âòáªôè䪠  âòáùªËé÷   íôªô¨éä     677
ãóªó÷¨ôè   Äóªó§ª   âæèóùª
âòáªô¨éä       the task in hand
âòáªôè䪠      the one engaged in
âòáùªËé÷       the method
íôªô¨éä         of that task
ãóª   í÷¨ôè䪠      the one with experience of its ins and outs
ãóªó몠      ideas
âæèóùª       should know (adopt)
In   considering   how   to   accomplish   a   task,   one   must   go by   the   experience   of   others   (677).  
ô¨éäáèùª   ô¨éäáèæÐ樠  îæèìùª   åéäæ²óª    678
áèéäáèùª   áèéäáèêР  ê÷ª×
ô¨éäáèùª       while accomplishing a task
ô¨éä    ÍæÐ樠      the next one also
îæèìùª       should achieve
åéä   æ²óª       the cheeks of the elephant moistened by its rut
áèéäáèùª       by the elephant
áèéä       another elephant
ÍõÐêÐÊ       bound
í÷ª×       like
When   completing   one   task,   one   should   address   the   next   task like   using   one   elephant   to   capture   another   (678).

åìªìèõÐæÐÆ   åùªù   âòáù¨äª   ô¨éõåÐêîê     679
øìªìèéõ   øìªïæР  âæèóùª
åìªìèõÐæÐÆ       to friends
åùªù       a good turn
âòáù¨äª       than doing
ô¨éõåÐêîê       more urgent
øìªìèéõ       enemy
øìªïæР   âæèóùª       befriending
More   urgent   than   rewarding   your   friends   is   the   befriending of   your   enemies   (679).  
ãé÷ò¨÷¨áèõР  ãóªå̧ªæùª   í¢ªò¨æР  Æé÷âç÷¨äª     680
âæèóªôõР  âçõ¨áèõР  çú¨åÐÊ
ãé÷ò¨÷¨áèõР      those of little territory
ãóªå̧ªæùª       inwardly stricken with terror
í¢ªò¨       terrified
Æé÷âç÷¨äª         realising their weakness and wanting truce
âæèóªôõР      seek
âçõ¨áèõР      more powerful (enemies)
çú¨åÐÊ       supplicate
He   who   is   in   constant   fear   of   being   overpowered,   should seek   truce   with   strong   enemies   (680).