SECTION - 77 -

VERSES 761 TO  770
çéìëèìªò¨      The   Might   of   the   Army
ã×çªçéëåÐÊ   Ã×í¢ªòè   âôùªçéì   îôåÐê䪠    761
âô×æÐéæ±óª   öùªùè몠  êéù
ã×窵         the fourfold division (of the army)
íéëåÐÊ         consisting of
Ã×         (to cause) injury
í¢ªòè         without hesitating
âôùªçéì           the army capable of conquering the enemy
îôåÐê䪠      of the king
âô×æÐéæ±óª         among his assets
öùªùè몠        of all
êéù       the best
The   army   that   is   well-equipped   and   manned   by   fearless   soldiers
intent   on   victory,   is   the   greatest   asset   of   a     king     (761).

ãéùô¨ìêÐÊ   Ã×í¢ªòè   ôäªæúª   âêèéùô¨ìêÐÊêР  762
âêèùªçéìæÐÆ   íùªùèùª   íõ¨Ê
ãéù²    ¬ìêÐÊ       in the face of defeat
Ã×           damage (injury)
í¢ªòè           without being afraid
ôäªæúª           ability to counter attack
âêèéù²    ¬ìêÐÊ         at the point of defeat
âêèùªçéìæÐÆ         the army traditionally usd to fighting
íùªùèùª       other than
íõ¨Ê         is not possible (for others)
The   army   (even   though   small),   must   have   resolute   courage   and
a   high   tradition;   nothing   else   can   be   greater   (762).  
øù¨êÐêæÐæèùª   öäªäè몠  ãôõ¨   öù¨çªçéæ      763
åèæ몠  ãá¨õÐçªçæР  âæÌëª
øù¨êÐêæÐæèùª       while raising battlecry
ö䪠  Í몠      what is going to happen
ãôõ¨       ocean-like
öù¨çªçéæ         (to) an army of rats
åèæ몠        cobra
ãá¨õÐçªç         with its hiss
âæÌ몠        (will be) destroyed
Of   what   avail   is   an   army   of   rats   roaring   like   the   sea   when   they
can   be   warded   off   by   the   hiss   of   a   cobra   ?   (763)  
íȨô¨äª×   íé÷îçèæè   êè樠  ôȨôåÐê   764
ôäªæ   úÊîô   çéì
íȨô¨äª×         without withdrawing
íé÷îçèæèÊ       without compromising on military secrets
Í樠      endowed with
ôȨôåÐê         traditional
ôäªæúª         bravery
íÊîô       that alone
çéì       is (the hallmark of) an army
That   is   a   good   army   that   has   never   been   defeated,   has   always
upheld   a   tradition   of   bravery   and   that   does   not   fall   a   prey   to
the   enemy's   designs   (764).  
Ô÷ª×         the god of death
ãìäª×         furiously
îëùªôõ¨Ä몠      even if launches an attack
Ôï       coming together (physically and mentally)
öê¨õÐå¨÷ªÆ몠      defending
Í÷ª÷ùª         having the ability
íÊîô           that alone
çéì         is an army
Ô÷ª×ìäª×   îëùªôõ¨Ä몠  Ôï   öê¨õÐå¨÷ªÆ몠   765
Í÷ª÷   ùÊîô   çéì
A   good   army   is   that   which   can   withstand   all   attacks
even   if   they   are   launched   by   the   God   of   death   in   all   fury   (765).  
ë÷ëèä몠  ëèúªì   ôȨòÐâòù²   îê÷ª÷몠           766
öäåèäªîæ   Öë몠  çéìæÐÆ
ë÷몠        bravery
ëèä몠        sense of honour
ëèúªì         excellent
ôȨòÐâòù²         following the path of
îê÷ª÷몠        reliability
öä   åèäªîæ       these four
Öë몠        protection
çéìæÐÆ       for a (good) army
Bravery,   a   sense   of   honour,   high   traditions   and   reliability   are
the   four   attributes   of   a   good   army   (766).  
êèõÐê觪æ¨òР  âòùªôÊ   êèéä   êéùôåÐê           767
îçèõÐê觪Æ몠  êäªéë   í÷¨åÐÊ
êèõР        the enemy attack
ê觪樠        ward off
âòùªôÊ         surging forward
êèéä         the army
êéùôåÐê         attack on oneself
îçèõР        (in the) battle
ê觪Æ몠        to defend
êäªéë         ability
í÷¨åÐÊ         having understood
That   is   a   good   army   that   is   capable   of   not   only   warding   off
enemy   attacks,   but   taking   the   offensive   (767).

íì÷ª÷éæ±ëª   Í÷ª÷Ù몠  ¬ùªâùä¨Ä몠  êèéä      768
çéìêÐêéæáèùª   çèÌ   âç×ëª
íìùª    êéæ±ëª         the capability to penetrate into enemy ranks
Í÷ª÷Ù몠      the capacity (to defend enemy assaults)
¬ùª   öä¨Ä몠      even if are not there
êèéä         the army
çéìêÐêéæáèùª       by the very look (and morale)
çèÌ       impressive estimate
âç×몠      will gain
Even   if   an   army   lacks   in   skill   and   valour,   its   impressive   appearance
and   morale   will   enable   it   to   be   reckoned   as   powerful   (768).  
ò¨×éë±ëª   âòùªùèêР  Ê䨱몠  ô×éë±ëª          769
¬ùªùèá¨äª   âôùªÙ몠  çéì
ò¨×éë±ëª       small in size
âòùªùè         long standing
Ê䨱몠        discontent
ô×éë±ëª       lack of resources
¬ùª         not there
Íá¨äª         if
âôùªÙ몠          will be successful
çéì         the army
An   army   can   win   only   if   it   does   not   suffer   want   of   resources
and   is   not   run   by   pettiness   and   disaffection   (769).  
å¨éùëæÐæóª   òèù   ãéìêÐâêä¨Ä몠  êèéä       770
êéùëæÐæóª   ¬ùªôȨ   ¬ùª
å¨éùëæÐæóª         composed of excellent soldiers
òèù       aplenty
ãéìêÐÊ         with
öä¨Ä몠        even though
êèéä         the army
êéùëæÐæóª         (good) commanders
¬ùªôȨ         in the absence
¬ùª         (there is) no (use)
Even   if   it   has   plenty   of   soldiers,   without   brave   leaders,
no   army   can   stand   (770).