SECTION - 84 -

VERSES 831 TO 840

îçéêéë      Folly   (Ignorance)


îçéêéë âáäªçâêèäª×  áèâêä¨ä ÖꧪâæèúªÌ  831
Ãê¨á몠  îçèæ   ô¨ìùª
îçéêéë       folly
öäªçÊ    øäª×         is that one
áèÊ   öä¨äª         which is described as
ÖêëªâæèúªÌ           following a path which would give bad effects
Ãê¨á몠      advantage
îçèæ    ô¨ìùª         letting go
Folly   is   that   which   pursues   harm   and
ignores   benefit   (831).

îçéêéë±   âóùªùè몠  îçéêéë   æèêäªéë    832
éæáùªù   êäªæ쪠  âòáùª
îçéêéë±óª         among follies
öùªùè몠        all
îçéêéë         folly
æèêäªéë         with expectation
éæ   íùªùêäªæúª         wrong actions
âòáùª         to pursue
The   highest   of   follies   is   that   which   pursues   actions,
not   commended   by   the   wise,   with   expectations. 832    
åèúèéë   åèìèéë   åèõ¨äªéë   áèâêèäª×몠     833
îçúèéë   îçéê   âêèȨùª
åèúèéë         not ashamedat at doing wrongs
åèìèéë         not resorting to the right path
åèõР            affection
¬äªéë           devoid of
áèÊ   øäª×몠        not considering anything
îçúèéë         which would result in good
îçéê           of the ignorant
âêèȨùª         method of work
Absence   of   shame   and   compassion   and   not   cherishing   values,
are   the   marks   of   a   fool   (833).    
Øꨠ  ãúõÐåÐÊ몠  ç¨÷õÐæÐÆéõêÐÊåР  êèäªí짪æè窠 834
îçéêá¨÷ª   îçéêáè   õ¨ùª
Øꨠ        having thoroughly studied
ãúõÐåÐÊ몠          having thoroughly understood
ç¨÷õÐæÐÆ         for others
ãéõêÐÊ몠          having preached
êè䪠   í짪æè         himself not following
îçéêá¨äª           of such a fool
îçéêáèõР        another (greater) fool
¬ùª         is not (there)
There   is   no   greater   fool   than   he   who   has   read   and   understood,
and   who   preaches   the  teachings of   books, but  lacks self-discipline   (834).
øÕéëòР  âòáùè÷ª×몠  îçéê   öÇéë±åР      835
êè䪵æР  æÇåÐÊ몠  íó×
øÕéë           in a single birth
âòáùª    Í÷ª×몠        pursuing (the wrong) path
îçéê           fool
öÇéë±ëª         in the future births
êè䪵æÐÆ           on his own
íÇåÐÊ몠        entering
íó×           hellish state

Folly   in   this   birth   will   be   visited   by   suffering   in
future   births   as   well   (835).
âçèáªçÌ몠  øäªî÷è   µéä·Ñ몠  éæá÷¨áè       836
îçéê   ô¨éäîë÷ª   âæèó¨äª
âçèáªçÌ몠        it will be spoilt
øäªî÷è         this alone ? (in addition there will be another damage)
éä   ·Ñ몠          will lend himself to ruin
éæ   í÷¨áè         if the method of doing is wrong
îçéê           the fool
ô¨éä         any action
îë÷ªâæèó¨äª         if he would engage in

The   fool,   who   undertakes   a   task   without   knowing   how   to
accomplish   it,   will   ruin   the   task   and   himself   as   well   (836).    
Öê¨ùèõР  ÍõêР  êëõÐçò¨çªçõР  îçéê                 837
âçÕ¢ªâòùªô몠  ã÷ª÷æР  æéì
Öê¨ùèõР        cunning strangers
Íõ         will greatly benefit
êëõР        kith and kin
çò¨çªçõР        will go without anything
îçéê           a fool
âçÕ몠   âòùªô몠        great fortune
ã÷ª÷æÐæéì         when comes by
When   a   fool   comes   by   wealth,   strangers   will   benefit   by   it,
while   his   kith   starve   (837).
éëá   âùèÕô䪠  æó¨êÐê÷ª÷è÷ª   îçéêê䪠           838 
éæâáè䪠  ×éìéë   âç÷¨äª
éëáùª         insane
øÕô䪠        person
æó¨êÐÊ           intoxicated
í÷ª×         like
Íùª         O!
îçéê         the fool
ê䪠          his
éæ       (in) hands
øäª×         a (some)
ãéìéë           possession (wealth)
âç÷¨äª           if comes by
A   fool   who   comes   by   wealth   will   be   like
a   drunken   lunatic   (838).
âçõ¨ê¨ä¨Ê   îçéêáèõР  îæúªéë   ç¨õ¨ô¨äªæúª       839
ç©éÈ   êÕôâêè䪠  ÷¨ùª
âçõ¨Ê    ¬ä¨Ê         greatly joyous
îçéêáèõР        of the fools
îæúªéë         friendship
ç¨õ¨ô¨äªæúª         at the time of parting
ç©éÈ         suffering
êÕôÊ       giving
øäª×         any difficulty
¬ùª         not there
There   is   no   greater   benefit   than   separation   from   a   fool   (839).    
æÈèíæÐæèùª   çóªó¨±óª   éôêÐê÷ª÷è÷ª   òèäªî÷èõР    840
ÆÈèíêÐÊ窠  îçéê   µæùª
æÈèíæÐæèùª         without washing one's feet
çóªó¨±óª         on the bed
éôêÐÊ         having placed
í÷ª×         like
Íùª         O!
òèäªî÷èõР        of the learned
ÆÈèíêÐÊ         assembly of
îçéê       a fool
æùª         entering

A   fool's   entry   into   an   assembly   of   the   wise
is   like   getting   into   a   clean   bed   with   unwashed   feet   (840).