SECTION - 85 -

VERSES 841 TO 850

µùªù÷¨ôèúªéë     Ignorant   Conceit     (Superficial   Knowledge)


í÷¨ô¨äªéë   ¬äªéë±óª   ¬äªéë   ç¨÷¨ê¨äªéë     841
¬äªéëáè   éôáè   ÊùÆ
í÷¨ô¨äªéë         lack of knowledge (ignorance)
¬äªéë±óª       of all types of poverty
¬äªéë       is (alone) poverty
ç¨÷¨Ê       other types of
¬äªéë       defeciency (poverty)
¬äªéëáè           as poverty
éôáèÊ         will not consider
ãùÆ         the world
Ignorance   is   the   worst   form   of   poverty.   The   world   does
not   consider   anything   else   as   poverty   (841).
í÷¨ô¨ùè䪠  â墪àôåÐÊ   ¼êùª   ç¨÷¨ÊáèÊ몠        842
¬ùªéù   âç×ôè䪠  êôëª
í÷¨²    ¬ùè䪠        a person of little knowledge
â墪ࠠ         mind
ãôåÐÊ         gladdened
¼êùª         giving
ç¨÷¨Ê    áèÊ몠        any other
¬ùªéù         not
âç×ôè䪠          of the receiver
êô몠        the good fortune
A   gift   from   a   fool   results   from   the   good   fortune   of   the   receiver.
(It   does   not   reflect   on   the   good   nature   of   the   giver)   (842).
í÷¨ô¨ùèõР  êèåÐêëªéë窠  ç©È¨æÐÆ몠  ç©éÈ         843
âò×ôèõÐæÐÆ¢ª   âòáªê   ùõ¨Ê
í÷¨ô¨ùèõР        persons lacking in knowledge (the fools)
êè몠      on themselves
êëªéë         by themselves
ç©È¨æÐÆ몠        inflicting
ç©éÈ           harm
âò×ôèõÐæÐÆ몠        even by the enemies
âòáªêùª         infliction
íõ¨Ê         rare (not possible)
Even   enemies   cannot   inflict   as   much   harm   on   fools   as   the
latter   can   inflict   on   themselves   (843).
âôúªéë   öäçªçÌô   ê¨áèâêä¨äª   øúªéë     844
ãéìáëªáè몠  öäªÄ몠  âòÕæÐÆ
âôúªéë         ignorance
öäçªçÌôÊ         known as
áèÊ    öä¨äª         is what
øúªéë         knowledge
ãéìá몠      possess
áè몠      I
öäªÄ몠      that
âòÕæÐÆ         the arrogance

The   height   of   foolishness   is   the   presumption   of   the
fool   that   he   is   wise   (844).
æùªùèê   îë÷ªâæèúª   âìèÇæùª   æòì÷               845
ôùªù­ã몠  ÉáåР  êÕëª
æùªùèê         lacking knowledge in certain areas
îë÷ªâæèúªÌ       (but) claiming to know
øÇæùª       and behaving
æòÌ    í÷         truly and well
ôùªù­ã몠      in what he knows too
Éá몠        doubt
êÕ몠        will arouse (in the mind of others)

Even   a   true   claim   to   knowledge   of   a   particular   subject
will   be   doubted   in   a   fool   falsely   claiming   knowledge
in   other   areas   (845).    
í÷ª÷몠  ëé÷êÐêîùè   µùªù÷¨²   êëªôá¨äª             846
Æ÷ª÷몠  ëé÷áè   ôȨ
í÷ª÷몠        (unlike) nakedness
ëé÷êÐêîùè         (which) is covered (with clothes)
µùªù÷¨²         is foolish
êëªôá¨äª           one's own
Æ÷ª÷몠        faults
ëé÷áè    ôȨ         if one does not remove (ignorance)
It   is   foolish   to   think   that   one   can   hide   one's   faults,
different   from   one   who   hides   his   nakedness   with   clothes   (846).
íÕëé÷   îòèÕ몠  í÷¨ô¨ùè䪠  âò᪱몠        847
âçÕë¨é÷   êèîä   êäæÐÆ
íÕëé÷       top (deep) secrets
îòèÕ몠        without guarding
í÷¨ô¨ùè䪠        the fool
âò᪱몠        will bring upon
âçÕë¨é÷         great sorrow
êèîä         by himself
êäæÐÆ         upon himself
He   who   studies   the   scriptures   (secrets)     but   cannot   guard   (their
teachings),   will   bring   suffering   upon   himself   (847).
Öô²¢ª   âòáªæùè䪠  êèäªîê÷è䪠  íôª²á¨õР        848
îçèø   ëó²îëèõР  îåèáª
Öô²ëª       when advised by the wise
âòáªæùè䪠        will not follow
êè䪠      by himself
îê÷è䪠        will not do the right thing himself
íôª²á¨õР        that life
îçèø몠        leave
íó²ëª         till then
ØõР        a
îåè᪠        (this is a) disease
The   fool   will   not   heed   good   advice   nor   himself   know   what
to   do.This   is   a   disease   that   will   be   lifelong   (848).
æèúèêè÷ª   æèìªÌôè䪠  êèäªæèúè䪠  æèúèêèäª 849
æúªìèäèåР  êèäªæúªì   ôè×
æèúèêè䪠        to the ignorant
æèìªÌôè䪠        one who advises
êèäªæèúè䪠        is himslf a fool
æèúèêè䪠          the ignorant
æúªìèäè몠        appears wise
êè䪠   æúªì         as he has known
Í×         follows that path
One   who   seeks   to   advise   a   fool   is   a   fool   himself.The   fool
will   continue   to   see   things   his   own   way   (849).
ãùæêÐêèõР  ãúªâìäªç   ê¨ùªâùäªçè䪠  éôáêÐÊ     850
íùéæáè   éôæÐæ窠  çÌëª
ãùæêÐêèõР        by the wise men in the world
ãúªÌ         affirm as true
öäªçÊ         known as
¬ùª       it is not
öäªçè䪠        will say ( the fool)
éôáêÐÊ         in this world
íùéæáè         (as) an evil spirit
éôæÐæ窠   çÌ몠        (he) will be considered
The   fool   will   deny   whatever   all   the   world's   wise   men   affirm.
He   will   be   regarded   only   as   an   evil   spirit   (850).