Chapter 1 - Section 2

ta eta dEvta: s¦¾a A¢ÞmÓmhÏyNIvE p#apt|ÞtmSna¢ppasa×yamÓvvajIt­ .
ta enmb#¤v°aytn| n: p#jan£¢h y¢Þmn­ p#¢t¢¿ta A°mdamE¢t .
ta×yaE gamanyäaa Ab#¤v° vW naE{yml¢m¢t .
ta×yaE{ámanyt­ ta Ab#¤vn­ n vW naE{yml¢m¢t.
ta×y: p¤âxmanyäaa Ab#¤vn­ s¤k]t| btE¢t p¤âxaE vav s¤k]tm­ .
ta Ab#v£ïTaytn| p#¢vStE¢t .
A¢g"vaIÂB¥Ïva m¤K| p#a¢vS¹ay¤: p#aNaE B¥Ïva na¢skE p#a¢vSda¢dÏyàX¤B¥IÏva A¢XN£ p#a¢vS¢êS: ½aEæa| B¥Ïva kNaªI p#a¢vS°aEx¢DvnÞptyaE laEma¢n B¥Ïva Ïvc| p#a¢vS|àÓd#ma mnaE B¥Ïva ¶dy| p#a¢vSÓm¦Ïy¤rpanaE B¥Ïva na¢B| p#a¢vSdapaE rEtaE B¥Ïva ¢S½"| p#a¢vSn­ .
tmSnaya¢ppasE Ab#¥tamava×yam¢Bp#jan£h£¢t
. tE Ab#v£dEtaÞvEv va| dEvta ÞvaBjaØyEtas¤ Ba¢gÓy¬ kraEm£¢t .
tÞmaïÞyW kÞyW c dEvtayW h¢vg¦I'tE Ba¢gÓyavEvaÞyamSnaya¢ppasE Bvt: .
i¢t eEtrEyaEp¢nx¢d p#TmE{ÒyayE ¢¹t£y: KÎf: ..

  ta - that         eta: - these         dEvta: - deities         s¦¾a: - had been created         A¢Þmn­ - into this mh¢t - vast         ANIvE - ocean         p#aptn­ - fell     tm­ - Him     ASna¢ppasa×yam­ - with hunger and thirst     AÓvvajIt­ - endowed     ta: - those (dieties)     enm­ - to Him     Ab#¤vn­ - said Aaytn| - an abode     n: - for us     p#jan£¢h - provide     y¢Þmn­ - where     p#¢t¢¿ta: - staying A°m­ - food     Adam - we can eat     i¢t - this     ta×y: - for them     gam­ - a cow             Aanyt­ - brought     ta: - they     Ab#¤vn­ - said     n - not     vW - certainly     n: - for us         Aym­ - this     Alm­ - enough     i¢t - thus     ta×y: - for them     Aám­ - a horse                 Aanyt­ - brought     ta: - they     Ab#¤vn­ - said     n - not     vW - certainly     n: - for us             Aym­ -this     Alm­ - adequate     i¢t - thus     ta×y: - for them     p¤âxm­ - a man             Aanyt­ - brought     ta: - they     Ab#¤vn­ - said     s¤k]t| - well created     bt - wonder                 i¢t - this     p¤âx: - man     vav - indeed     s¤k]tm­ - virtue itself     ta: - to them Ab#v£t­ - said yTaytn| - the respective abode     p#¢vSt - enter     i¢t - thus     A¢g": - fire     vakq - speech B¥Ïva - becoming     m¤K| - mouth     p#a¢vSt­ - entered     vay¤: - air                                         p#aN: - prana, the sense of smell     B¥Ïva - becoming     na¢skE - into the nostrils                 p#a¢vSt­ - entered     Aa¢dÏy: - the Sun     cX¤: - sense of sight     B¥Ïva - becoming                 A¢XN£ - the eyes p#a¢vSt­ - entered ¢dS: - directions ½aEæa| - sense of hearing B¥Ïva - becoming kNaªI - into the ears     p#a¢vSt­ - entered     AaEx¢DvnÞpty: - the herbs and trees                         laEma¢n - hairs     B¥Ïva - becoming     Ïvc| - into the skin     p#a¢vSt­ - entered                             cÓd#ma - the moon     mn: - mind     B¥Ïva - becoming     ¶dy| - into the heart                     p#a¢vSt­ - entered     m¦Ïy¤: - death     Apan: - Apana     B¥Ïva - becoming                                 na¢B| - into the navel     p#a¢vSt­ - entered     Aap: - water     rEts­ - semen     B¥Ïva - becoming ¢S½"| - into the generative organ     p#a¢vSn­ - entered     tm­ - to Him                             ASnaya¢ppasE - hunger and thirst     Ab#¥tam­ - said     Aava×yam­ - for us     A¢Bp#jan£¢h - provide i¢t - thus     tE - they     Ab#v£t­ - said     etas¤ - among these     ev - only     va| - you both dEvtas¤ - among deities     AaBja¢m - provide livelihood     etas¤ - among these                     Ba¢gÓy¬ - sharers     kraE¢m - I make you     i¢t - thus     tÞmat­ - therefore                             yÞyW kÞyW - whichsoever     c - and     dEvtayW - for deity     h¢v: - an oblation                         g¦'tE - taken up         Ba¢gÓy¬ - sharers     ev - indeed     AÞyam­ - with that deity             ASnaya¢ppasE - hunger and thirst     Bvt: - become i¢t

eEtrEyaEp¢nx¢d p#TmE{ÒyayE ¢¹t£y: KÎf: ..

 Thus thrust into existence,the worlds and their guardian gods were then invested with hunger and thirst (that needed to be satiated in order that they could be sustained). On gods requesting for food, the Creator provided them first with a cow and then a horse (animals). On the gods pleading that these were inadequate to sustain their worlds, the Creator brought forth the human form of man, which filled the gods with joy. Directed by the Creator, they entered the human form and fulfilled their functions. Fire turned to speech and entered the mouth; air turned to smell and entered the nostrils; the Sun turned to sight and entered the eyes; the deities of the directions turned into sound and entered the ears; the gods of plants and trees turned to hairs and entered the skin; the moon turned to mind and entered the heart; the god of death turned into downward- breathing and entered the navel; the god of the waters became seed, and entered the generative organ. And the Creator assigned hunger and thirst to these deities for the sustenance of the human form in which they resided. Note: The grand allegory of creation continues in this sloka. The different functions (or deities) created in cosmic form, now find their home and fulfillment in the faculties of the human form. A great truth is also evident here: form can emerge and evolve only from a fundamental act of Will.